Chapter 8 Flashbacks

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(C/N) - Cybertronian Name


There was a time that you were from another planet. Cybertron to say. You were a cybertronian once. did you came to be a human? Did you....


Some experiment? it all just a dream?

With the question left unanswered you remember a time. That must it been it.


chuckling at response to the weapon specialist. Ironhide. You known him for a while. When the time he dated Chromia, ended it, to the middle of the war. And jt goes on. And durning that time of a life. You grew feelings. Feelings that were unquestionable. But. They were there. And those feelings causing it to grow was all becuase of him. Ironhide why? Sadly you neversaid anything. And you probably never will.

"Oh come on hide were not even suppose to be having fun." You said as the chuckling fit of laughter ended.

"Don't take Prowl to serious  (C/N)." Ironhide responded back with a gruff. Smiling the two of the cybertronians contiuned on. Keeping guard and staying in low profile. Thought even if we were in war and patroling around you enjoyed this time alone woth the weapon specialist. Thoughts running in you're mind with a unknown smile growing unpound you're faceplate.

"Why are you smiling kiddo?" You wipped you're helm around as cooling fans kicked in as you blushed.

"Oh n-nothing." You stammered over words. Silently cursing yourself. Ironhide sure wored an expression that he didn't bought this.

"You really think that sounded convicing?" Ironhide asked raising an optic ridge as he stopped. Gulping as the fans kicked harder with the blush growing as you adverted you're (F/C) optics away from his blue optics. You couldn't let him know you were thinking about him. Searching for the write words as you made unnecessary noises. You haven't realized how close he was to you until you squealed surprised. Trying to back away there was nothing left as you're back hit the wall. When a wall really had to come out of no where.

"Really (C/N) don't you trust me? I thought we were friends" He asked looking....sad? Oh primus not that look you thought. You didn't want him to feel like you didn't trusted him. Sighing finally the words came back to you're mouth.

"I-I do trust you's just well...." You were frusterated with yourself. You don't know you if you should tell him about you're feelings to him now. You did reminded yourself a promise. A promise that after this whole war was over you would tell him. But not now. Not when a war is running still.

"Well what?" Ironhide asked inpatient. Sighing you mustered you're strength to say what was needed to be say. Sadly promise or not. You can't lie to him.

"Ironhide.....for a long time we're been together as friends. It was fun and everything. You are a great friend. And I couldn't help to fall for you what i'm saying now is that I-" Before you could finish you're sentence the ground rumbled as a massive sound of an explotion started. Wipping our helms over to who was the attacker we caught sight of Soundwave along with other con warriors. Barring you're dentale you, along with hide, transformed you're arms to weapons and held it up prepared.

"I knew I had a feeling someone was near by." Hide said narrowing his optics at Soundwave.

"You weren't wrong." The sound of blasters shooting filled the air as the two autobots made their way dodging and attacking. With you getting to Soundwave first you bring you're self to give a punch only for the silent con coming to dodge it and kick you away. Grunting you stood up and faced the con. You weren't going down without a even matched fight. Crying out a battle cry you lunged over to Soundwave who struggled to get you off of him as you sent punches. With soundwave finally throwing you off of him he quickly took his chance and kicked you're helm. Yelping out to the pain you were confident. Determination filling you up you stoop before falling back down as Soundwave kicks you're legs from under you. Growling you kicked his legs from under him back. Lunging over at him as you were bringing you're fist down he caught it. With both clutched servos in his own servos. You, trying to use all you're will power as both bot's arm shooked with the struggle and going in the process of pinning who down. It quickly all ended as you flipped him off of you. With you standing you shot his leg as he attempted to stand. Falling back down with no sounds of pain leaving his mouth but a low hiss. Soundwave who was preparing to move heard a soft clicking sound of a gun. The gun belonging to no other then (C/N) who held it at his helm.

"Any last words con?" You said with venom in you're words.

"Soundwave superior, (C/N) inferior." All happening to quickly in the unknowing. Soundwave elbowed you're tanks making you retreat. Thought that wasn't happening as Soundwave focused out of the burning pain in his leg he stood up and grabbed hold of you're helm. Smashing you're helm down with force everything went out for a few seconds before going back to the horrible pain feeling. Energon dripping down as you looked up with flickering optics and the distance calling of Ironhide calling out you're name. You're view was brought apound the view of Soundwave's gun before everything went black, as the sound of a gun being shot echoed.





S sorry for taking FOREVER TO UPDATE! I had life to deal with. But heeeey I didn't forget this book! Anyways here it is so yay...

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