Stolen Car...Right

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To busy in deja vuing around you haven't realized Miles and Sam came back to the car. Whoa that was quick you thought as you glanced over to them as Miles stupidly got into the car from the window.

"Hey what gives man this is my car." You said sternly to Miles who just grinned gleefully.

"I'm going to punch that grin of you're face and run you over with this car." You said giving him a death glare. Hey this car was you're precious already. You gulped and nodded as he, fully in the car now looked up at Sam who which Sam was leaning against the car with his hands on his pockets as he stared off at Maykela walking off. Confused as you were as to why she didn't went with the school's playboy instead you just realized and nodded respectfully to no one really as you silently took proud of her dumping him. Just as that suddenly you're car's radio went off stopping at a certain music station as the song went on.

"Uh hey man what's wrong with you're radio."

"The hell am i suppose to know?" You said to answer Sam's question as he seemed his face expression changed into something you know to well. He had a plan.

"I'm driving her home tonight.." Sam said still in his oh say spacing off probably at you're best friends ass.

"What, she just leave jock cock man let her hitch hike." Miles said as you snap you're heads towards him and hit himin the back of his head as he reacted.

"She lives ten miles away from here, ok this is my only chance." Sam said as he turned to face him.

"Alright alright we put her in the back it'll be fine." Miles said again stupidly as once again you hit him in the back of his head.

"Did you just say put her in the back?"

"I'm front-"

"Miles I'm not putting her in the back." Sam said getting into the drivers seat.

"b-but what about (Y/N)?"

"hey don't mind me I'm just going to end up sleeping or something. Plus i own this car too." You said giving Miles a 'duh' face.

"You got to get out of my-our car right now."

"But bros before hoes, no offense ow!" Miles said as you basically started to attack him with you're hand of doom.

"Just get out Primus man!" You said as he rushed out of the vehicle. Sam glanced over at you weirdly.

"What's a Primus?" Sam said confused. You realized what you said and just shrugged you not knowing either where that came from.

"I don't know but drive!" You said as he went back to look in front and drived off towards Maykela leaving the oh so poor Miles behind in the dust. Note you're sarcasm. You layed down on you're back as you out you're arms behind you're head and tryed to get comfortable as you stared up at the car's ceiling. Sam drived up to Maykela and poked his head out the window as he offered her a ride. Suprising she did as she got on and back again onto the road.

"Hey Maykela." Yousaid lazily as you waved at her lazily as well. Maykela smiled and turned to look at you.

"Didn't know you were here."

"Well here i am trying to catch some sleep." You responded as Maykela chuckled lightly and looked back at front as theair thickened with awkwardness up with the two 'love birds' not.

"So um.." Sam said finally awkwardly.

"I can't believe I'm here." Hey thats offense for my bro you thought as Maykela said.

"You can duck dowk if you want, i mean it won't hurt my feelings." Sam said. Oh sure it won't.

"Oh no no no i didn't mean here with you guys i mean here like in a situation." Maykela stated. Oh makes more sense now you thought as you drifted off into you're thoughts letting them converse awkwardly as you're thoughts ran back over to those robots. What did they mean? Have i seen them before? No of course you haven't or you would of recoiled something. But you did it was just.....a missing puzzle piece. At something. In you're train of thought suddenly the car just went off road and and music started off which you sat up looking around confused.

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