Significance - Chapter Ten

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I woke with the same aches and pains as the day before. But this time I understood them. Unfortunately for me, it didn't make them better. My head pounded, my back and stomach groaned and pulsed with painful jolts. My legs wobbled when I tried to climb out of bed.

I glanced at my alarm clock; 6:45, pretty early. Caleb said he'd be here earlier than yesterday so all I had to do was wait it out. I went to the mirror on my dresser and saw the same ashen and sickly skin as before as I looked past the stars in my vision. I decided I should change out of my pajamas for when Caleb would be here. But wasn't fast enough.

I heard the doorbell and my legs were wobbly no longer. They propelled me forward and down the stairs as quick as I could make it. I yanked open the door...only to find Kyle. My heart sank painfully at seeing it wasn't Caleb and I collapsed against the doorframe and slid to the floor as the ache in my bones engulfed me.

Kyle came and yanked me up into his arms and held me tight. Then he whispered into my ear.

"Maggie, I'm so sorry. I got here as soon as I could."

"Where's Caleb?"

"Who's Caleb?"

I pushed him away and stared at him incredulously.

"That's not funny, Kyle."

"Here." He reached for me again. "Maggie, I know you're withdrawing. I am too. Come here, you need me."


"Maggie, it's just the withdrawals. Touch my hand and everything will be ok."

"Kyle, I am not your significant. What are you doing here? Where's Caleb?"

He looked hurt and shocked. He started muttering to himself.

"Dad never told me about this. I thought you'd need me, right away. I didn't think you'd fight me and hallucinate."

"I'm not hallucinating!" I yelled. "Where's Caleb?"

"Mags," he said more pronounced. "Who is Caleb?"

I started to falter. Had I just imagined it all? Kyle looked serious. He looked startled. He looked hurt and his eyes beseeched me to take his hand. I didn't know what was going on but I held my hand out and let him grasp it. His fingers were cold and rough, not like Caleb's and his touch didn't calm me or sooth me. In fact, it made my skin crawl.

"Maggie, what are you doing? You're blocking me somehow. Let me help you."

"I'm not doing anything. Kyle, come on. Where's Caleb? I need him, he's the one. This isn't right," I yanked from him and pleaded.

Even I heard the hysteria in my voice and I turned away from his betrayed expression.

Kyle pressed his mouth to my ear. "Caleb can't come out and play right now," the voice said but it was no longer Kyle's voice. It was deeper, more menacing and definitely not nice. "Neither can Kyle. Sorry."

I turned, looking around but saw no one. "Who are you?"

"You don't remember? I'm hurt, Maggie, really," the voice sang with sarcasm.

He appeared in front of me from the shadows off the porch and smiled as he saw recognition flash in my face.

"Marcus," I gasped. I backed into the wall. "You scared me. What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I scared you? Well, you're scaring me. You see, you're special. Not like in a get-a-big-head special, but special enough for us to be pissed about it. It's not fair that the Jacobson clan gets to start getting their ascensions back when we've been just as patient as they have. They will have the upper hand now, you see? We've had many a discussion about you in my clan. There is a reason for you, there has to be. There's something special about you and we can't let it come to pass."

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