Significance - Chapter Twenty One

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I peeked over his shoulder and saw that they were fighting and yelling by the curb, right by the trash cans. I groaned.

"Leave it to Beck to start trouble before we've even started the date. Bye, Dad!"

"Bye. Be safe," he said as he came around the corner.

"We will, Mr. Masters, thanks," Caleb assured him politely.

"Call me Jim, please, Caleb," Dad said and extended his hand to Caleb. "Mr. Masters makes me feel old."

Caleb laughed and took his hand. "Jim. Thanks. And don't worry about Maggie. I won't let anything happen to her."

Dad nodded and waved to me as we left. I slowly made my way to the curb and could hear some of what they were saying instead of just the noise of it.

"Well! What do you expect! She texted you with me in the car!" Beck yelled and tapped her pointy booted foot.

"Rebecca, come on. You called me just this morning to go out with you. We've been on like four dates. Am I supposed to delete every girl's number I have even though I haven't heard from you in weeks?"

"Maybe! Just turn your phone off at least. You didn't have to text her back."

"I was telling her I was out with you!"

"Oh, sure," she said sarcastically and rolled her eyes just as she saw us coming. "Hey, guys." She jumped and grabbed Ralph's arm affectionately. "We were waiting for you. Ready to go?"

I looked up at Caleb and he looked torn between laughing out loud and smirking.

"Ok," I started. "What are we driving?"

"I brought my uncle's car," Caleb volunteered and jingled the keys in his hand.

I looked behind Beck at the black Lexus.

"See," Beck said smartly and smirked. "Told ya, Lexus."

"Great. Let's go," Ralph said hotly and stalked to the car door.

Beck looked at me and nodded her head to the side. I followed her behind the car while Caleb waited by the front passenger side door. "Can you believe him! He-" she started but I'd already heard enough.

"Beck, I know. We heard everything. You weren't exactly being quiet. Look, please be nice and don't fight the whole time. I want to have fun."

"But he texted her, right in front of me!"

"He said it was about you. He told some other girl - a girl he might have been possibly about to go out with, but instead chose you - that he was out with you. You should be happy that he'd do that. Ralph really likes you. What are you doing?" I asked softly.

"I don't know. You're right. But if he texts anyone else, so help me..."

I rolled my eyes and pulled her to her door. Caleb opened it for her since Ralph was already in.

"At least someone has manners," she muttered.

"Be nice," I commanded. He shut her door and I turned to look at him. "I have a feeling we aren't going to have very much fun."

"Yes, we will." He kissed my forehead fast and soft. "You'll see."

I climbed in after he opened my door and waited in the stiff silence of the car for him to get in himself. Once in, I introduced them all and I asked where to go.

"Take us somewhere we've never been," Beck said sweetly. "Somewhere from your town maybe."

Caleb looked at me and I nodded, knowing what he was thinking.

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