Significance - Chapter Twenty

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My heart jolted at his words. "What?"

"She called me late last night, crying. She wants to come home," he said somberly.

I was confused. I thought he'd be happy. All that stuff he'd spouted to me about us not loving her enough, taking advantage of her. I thought he'd be thrilled if she ever decided to crawl back.

"And what did you say?" I asked softly, my voice not even sounding like my own.

I saw Caleb come peek anxiously through the open door, no doubt feeling my crazy heartbeat. I smiled at him and waved him off.

"I told her... baby, I'm sorry. I told her no," he creaked and looked on the brink of tears.

I hugged him. My words muffled into his shoulder. "Why? Why did you say that, and why are you so upset about it?"

"Because, I know you need her. I should be able to just let her come home for you, but I can't. She was furious. She thought I'd just let her come home and everything would be fine without even being sorry, pick up right where she left off. You were right, she was being selfish. She chose to leave, we didn't do anything wrong. We were a good family and she decided to just leave all that behind for God knows why. I forgive her for what she did, but she deserted you and needs to accept her consequences. I'm sorry."

"Dad, I don't want her to come back."

"What?" He turned to look full at me. "I thought you'd be angry at me. I thought you'd blame me for keeping her away."

"What for? She didn't just leave me, Dad, she left you, too. And I know she's my mom but she left and I agree with you. She needs to deal with the consequences. She made her bed and she can sleep in it. Nowhere does it say in the family handbook that when someone leaves and wants to come back without reason or sincere apology that you have to let them. It just says that you have to love them. And I do love her still and I'd be her neighbor any day, but it wouldn't be right for her to live with you just for me. She betrayed you more than me."

"But you forgave me."

"Yes, and I forgive her, too, but she shouldn't live here, Dad. She said you held her back. She's been living with other men. It wouldn't be-"

"She what?"

Crap. He hadn't known that. I bit my lip. "She told me she was dating. She talked about a few of them."

"A few of them?" He laughed a bark of a humorless laugh. "Well, I guess I made the right decision then. I told her she couldn't come back to stay with us and she shouldn't come see you without calling you first."

"Very smooth, Dad, way to handle things."

"How'd you get so smart?" he smirked, but sadly.

"I learned from my old man," I joked and bumped him with my shoulder. "You did the right thing. I don't know what happened to her but you are way too good for her to do this to you."

He laughed. "All right, kiddo. You're late now, I'm sorry. I'm fine. Get going."

"No worries, Dad." I kissed his cheek and he hugged me before standing.

"Have fun tonight."

"I will. Bye."

I went out to meet Caleb and he still looked a little worried but smiled sadly at me. "You ok?"

"You heard?" He nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just can't believe she'd do this to him after being gone almost a year," I said vehemently. "She's so selfish!"

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