Significance - Chapter Three

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Copyright 2012  Shelly Crane                    All rights reserved

This publication is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws, and all rights are reserved, including resale rights: you are not allowed to give or sell this book to anyone else.


            “Significant? What does that even mean?” I asked Kyle after about five minutes of silence. He’d been driving around not really going anywhere since we left his house, his thumb beating an angry rhythm on the steering wheel. “And why am I ok with all this? I mean, you just told me you’re not human? I think I would normally freak out about that.”

          “You’re one of us now,” he said quietly.

          “What? You mean I’m an Ace or whatever?”

          “Yes. Look.” He looked at me quickly. “I’d explain it all to you, but Caleb was right. You can’t handle it right now. Your body is going through enough just being away from him.”

          “I don’t understand.”

          “You’re his mate, his one, his partner, his companion, his soul mate, the person he’ll be with forever. Take your pick.” He waved his hand in the air.

          “But I just met Caleb. I don’t even-”

          I was about to say I didn’t even feel anything for him, but that was a lie. In fact, just saying his name was bringing on a little round of hysteria all on its own. My heart clenched, my palms were sweaty and tingly. I had the strange need to grab the door handle and make a break for it.

          And I knew that was crazy, but I couldn’t stop thinking it.

          “Why do I feel like this? Why do I-” I stopped and tried to breathe through it.

          Caleb told me everything would be ok. I knew it would, but I had no idea how or why.

          Kyle grabbed my hand.

          “Why do you want him? That’s what you were going to say? It’s because you’re meant for each other. It’s like...both your souls saw each other and decided they wanted the other. It’s something that’s always happened in the clans. We’ve always imprinted to find a wife or husband. Usually it happens when you’re older, like about twenty two or three. I’ve never heard of it occurring this young, and it rarely happens with a human, but sometimes it does.”

          “So what does that mean? I have to marry him now?”

          I thought about getting married at seventeen and what everyone would think of me, that I was loony or worse - pregnant.

          “No, silly.” He laughed. “You just...belong to each other, now.” He chuckled again sadly and squeezed my hand. “Just when I finally got you to go out with me, too.”

          “I’m sorry.”

          “You don’t have anything to be sorry about. You can’t control it.” He let loose a growl of a noise. “Ok, let’s stop talking about this. You don’t need the stress and it’s sure depressing me. What do you want to do?”

          “I don’t know. I’m pretty hungry.”

          “Ok. Pablo’s it is.”

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