Significance - Chapter Fourteen

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That morning I woke rested. Completely rested and feeling great. I didn't feel the need to stretch or rub my eyes or lay there and adjust. When I woke, I was alert instantly. I thought I felt awesome after our nap yesterday but no, this morning was the epitome of a good night's rest.

Even Caleb seemed to be extra peppy.

I got up with him as he pulled his jeans on over his sleep pants and then changed his shirt. If I had a slow motion button I would've pressed it while Caleb pulled his shirt over his head. I bit my lip and watched intensely from my closet door. He smiled and shook his head reading my thoughts or feelings but kissed me chastely and told me I'd better watch it if I wanted him to ever leave. I just giggled while he lifted the window.

When he started to climb out he once again turned to me. I'm not sure who needed help being released this time, but we both just kinda erupted with it. He grabbed my face and I grabbed his shirt front and we both assured each other we'd see the other tonight that everything would be fine and they'd be missed. Then he kissed me again and practically shot himself out of the window and down the roof to the drainpipe. My body was already protesting a little at the distance, telling me I was going to need his touch sooner than I thought.

I watched, and after one final wave I lost sight of him after he left my yard. I went to unlock my door and got dressed. My uniform was a little dress with pockets and a half apron. My name tag read 'Sweet Pea'. The uniform was a little short but the owners wanted us all to wear white footless leggings underneath. It was kinda cute actually, but without the leggings would have been borderline skanky-dirty-bar-waitress.

So I got dressed. By this time it was almost ten. Caleb had left at nine. My dad never got out of bed before then with this job, his shift didn't start 'til eleven, so it was perfect for him. My shifts used to be at night but they changed my schedule since I graduated.

So I went downstairs for breakfast which consisted of coffee and French vanilla creamer, which my dad had already placed in my travel mug for me. He hadn't done that since the 'event'.

Then Dad came back down and we talked for a few minutes about work and schedules and dinner plans. Then he actually picked up the paper to read it. He hadn't done that since the 'event'. Now that things were back to normal, that's what I planned on calling it; the 'event'.

I kind of felt proud that I brought him out of his funk, even if it was involuntary. He had reason to come back around to his old self, all because I was dating a new guy. Weird, but I liked it all the same.

After our completely normal morning, I kissed his cheek and thanked him for the coffee. He said 'bye, baby girl' which I've missed so much it clogged my throat with tears at knowing he was really back. Some girls might not like being called baby, especially by their father, but now, after everything that happened, I wanted it something fierce. It stood for something and the fact that he hasn't called me that since last summer and now just throws it around just like he always used to means that whatever had happened to him was serious. He really wasn't here and now he was back to normal, with all his old habits routine for him again.

So, there I was, heading into work. The five block walk in the midmorning was warm but not unbearably so. I passed a couple kids from school as they come bustling out of the coffee shop, giggling and holding each other's arms.

"Hey, Maggie," a girl, I thought her name was Leslie, called out.

"Hey," I returned, but didn't stop.

"What are you doing this summer?"

They fell into step beside me as I continued to walk on. They were both the grade below me, the grade I was in until I was stepped up from eighth grade to ninth.

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