Chapter One

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"Lily, are you ready love?"

They were the words I didn't want to hear.

I didn't want to leave. Not yet. Another few hours? Even maybe a day!

My friends Tyler, Josh, Emily and Maisy were sat on my bedroom floor. We looked around the dismal room, remembering a few memories.

"Remember when we were playing spin the bottle, and Josh had to kiss you but he fell over when he was going over to you and had a massive nose bleed?" Tyler laughed quietly, smirking at Josh.

"Shut up you giant tart." Josh grunted, grinning slightly at us all. We all laughed, then the room was silent again. I placed my hands in my lap, twiddling my fingers sadly.

I didn't realise I was crying until I felt everyone hug me and practically suffocate me with their love.

"Don't cry, Lils." Maisy frowned, looking at me. She was my best friend. We have done everything together since I can remember, I don't think I can live without her, my sister.

Tyler frowned as I sniffled, and wiped a tear from my cheek. "You won't get rid of us 4 that quickly, squirt." I giggled at this, nodding a little. Tyler and Josh are like the brothers I have never had. Ty is 2 years older, and Josh is 3. Josh cuddled me for a while, before I heard my mum call up again.

"We have to go now, Lily honey."

I pouted sadly at this, tears threatening to escape from my eyes. Everybody stood up, and Emily held her hand out for me. She was Josh's girlfriend, and my friend.

I hugged everyone separately, telling them all how much I'm gonna miss them. Tyler was last. He grabbed my cheeks lightly, and made me look up at him. "You better call me everyday, little one." he squeezed me tightly in a hug, and let go reluctantly.

I nodded and put my backpack on sluggishly.

We all walked downstairs, and said our goodbyes again.

They were gone. I might not see my best friends ever again. I hugged my mum and cried into her shoulder quietly.

"Oh love." She sighed and rubbed my hair soothingly. "They all said they'll come to Australia for christmas, and your birthday." She whispered in my ear.

I frowned and wiped my eyes roughly. "But what if they forge-"

"They will never forget." My mum cut in.

The taxi arrived and beeped the horn a few times, announcing that it was here. I took one last look around my house, before we left and climbed into the taxi.

I guess I can't go by saying I'm an English girl anymore.


We met my dad at the airport and greeted him by hugs.

"Are you both ready?" He asked, grinning from ear to ear. My dad was always ready to move. He had no strings attached to anybody in England, and he thought of it as moving to a sunny country with cool animals and more money.

"No. Never." I muttered under my breath. Luckily, they didn't hear me.

"Lets go then! Our plane should be ready soon."

We walked towards our terminal, and I quickly messaged Tyler, Josh, and Maisy in our group chat.

'Just boarding the plane now. This sucks massive balls. I'm gonna miss you three so much. Don't miss me too much though ;) -Lilylou xox'

Seconds later, my phone 'ping-ed', notifying me that I had a message. I opened the message and smiled slightly, feeling warm inside again.

'Bet the it doesn't suck balls as big as mine ;) Don't count on it squirt, I'm gonna miss you millions. Lots of love and all that jazz. -Tylerbae xox'

I laughed at his stupid joke and put my phone in my back pocket, looking down at my boarding pass and passport.

Subconsciously, I chewed on my bottom lip, a habit of mine. I shoved my hands into my jacket pocket and raised an eyebrow as I felt something inside of my left pocket. Pulling it out, I unfolded the sheet of paper.

'Face it Lily, you're gonna miss us loads! And we are gonna miss you more, but we hope this cures the pain of not having us amazing, sexy and fabulous people in your life' I laughed quietly, screwing my nose up. 'We have put some things in your suitcase when you weren't looking, and somethings in your carry on bag that will keep you smiling. Call us when you arrive plsssssss. Hate you, minger. ;) -Tylerbae, Maisypoop and Josh. xoxoxoxoxoox'

I held the sheet of paper in my hands and grinned widely, looking at the photo of Josh, Tyler, Maisy and I in London last year. I'm gonna miss them so much, but I guess I'm now starting to look forward to moving to Australia a bit. It will be different, exciting.

We got on the plane and I put my seatbelt on. I pulled out my phone and headphones, looking into my bag to find what the guys put in there.

A blanket and a packet of sour patch kids. God, I love my friends.

"Please prepare for takeoff, in approximately 2 minutes." The pilot spoke. I looked over at my mum and she smiled warmly at me, holding my hand.

"Lets go Lils."


Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading the first chapter. I'm sorry if it is a bit boring at the minute. I pinky promise it is going to get better, I just didn't want to jump straight into things, otherwise this story would be over in a few chapters.

I hope to update about 2 or 3 times every week, depending on my work load. I really hope you guys like this story, and want to keep reading.

In the next chapter or so, the 5sos boys will be introduced, and be part of the story. So hold on!

Thank you again, lots of love xxx

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