Chapter 6

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Kennadee's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning in Alan's spare bedroom. I still hadn't gone home and I still hadn't faced Brandon. During the concert I had left my cellphone in the dressing room and once it was over I realized I had about 27 missed calls and 56 texts from Brandon. I deleted them all without even opening them. I did not tell Alan about them though because we had such a good time and I didn't want to ruin it by bring up Brandon. I knew that I would have to face him eventually I just didn't think that I was prepared for that yet.

I was still in bed when Alan walked in and laid by my side. "Good morning, Kitty." he said quietly as he wrapped his arms around me. I snuggled close to him and breathed in his comforting scent. "Good morning, Ashby." We laid quietly for a while, just tangled up in each other and I began to hear Tony's words in my head once more. If this is what being with Alan would be like, then I don't think I would really mind that. This is where I feel safe. But I know he wouldn't go for it. We're family and he'd probably think that he was my rebound guy. I wouldn't let that happen. 

After some time laying in bed, Alan finally spoke up. "Do you have any appointments today?" I thought for a moment. "Not until 1 pm." "Good. What do you want to do?" he sat up in the bed and I sighed. "As much as I wish I didn't have to, I think I should probably go home. Salem's been left alone for too long." Alan ran a hand through his hair. "Mind if I come along?" he asked. "Don't you have a rock star life to get to gingy?" I asked softly. "Not at all. My schedule is cleared for as long as you need me. There is nothing more important than my Kitty." he smiled and once again my heart raced. I buried my face in the pillow to keep him from noticing my blushing cheeks. "You're the best, Ashby."

We got out of bed around 8:30 and got ready to leave. I made some breakfast as Alan was in the shower and we ate quickly. By 9:45 we were walking out Alan's front door. We decided to take my car and I let Alan drive. He was the only person besides myself that was allowed to drive my tiny Honda Civic. We drove the familiar street towards my place as I chose the tunes we listened to. Conversation flowed easily just as it always did with him.

The morning seemed to be going well until we pulled onto my street. My stomach immediately clenched as I recognized Brandon's black mustang parked outside my house. "What the fuck is he doing here?" Alan spoke from the driver's seat.  I turned towards him and saw that his face held and furious expression. This was not going to go well. I gently placed my hand on top of Alan's which was resting on the hand brake between us and he turned towards me. For a moment his expression didn't change, but something on my expression made him soften up suddenly. He pulled into my driveway and I was able to see Brandon standing up from my front porch. I opened my door and I noticed Alan quickly getting out of the car and walking over to me as Brandon came closer.

"Where the hell have you been? Did you not get a single one of my messages? And why on earth didn't you return my calls. I've been sitting out here all night and you never even bothered to come home." Brandon spoke as he moved towards me. I suddenly saw Alan's body move in front of me, acting as a barrier between Brandon and myself. "What the fuck is he doing here?" Brandon demanded as he saw Alan. "Exactly what I was wondering about you." Alan spoke. "I was talking to Kennadee, you fucking asshole." Brandon snarled. "No Brandon. You lost any right to speak to her. You don't come close to her as long as I'm around and I'm not planning on going anywhere." I noticed Alan clenching his fists in anger. "Go mind your own fucking business, you emo fag." Brandon spoke and I could see Alan getting ready to fight him so I gently grabbed his wrist. "Gingy, don't. He's not worth it." I said so softly, he could barely hear me. But I felt him relax under my touch.

I moved out from behind Alan and faced Brandon. "He's right Brandon. You lost any right to talk to me when you hit me. You should not be here at all. So tell me what it is you came here for quickly or leave." I spoke, my voice barely higher than a whisper. It was all I could manage. He reluctantly took his eyes off Alan and turned to me. "I'm here because we had plans yesterday and you wouldn't answer my calls or texts." "You're right. We did have plans. I went along with mine." "I can see that," he said, eying Alan once more."even after I told you that you weren't allowed to go." I felt Alan tense behind me once more. "Listen here you slimy bastard, you don--" I lifted my hand motioned for Alan to stop talking before he could finish his remark. "Brandon. Maybe I wasn't clear enough before. You had no right to control my actions before and you definitely don't have the right now. I told you that I'm done with you." my voice was still soft. "You weren't actually serious about that." he answered. "Of course she was you dumb fuck." Alan said through gritted teeth. "I was Brandon." I said quietly. He stood there speechless for a minute before nodding softly. "Alright, I see how it is." he began to slowly walk towards his car. Alan and I began to step towards my front door when I heard Brandon speak again. "I hope you have fun fucking your ginger boy." 

Not a millisecond passed before Alan had turned and punched Brandon in the face. I had seen Alan fight plenty of times but never had I seen him hit someone so hard. I quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the house before Brandon could regain his composure. He was shouting all kinds of obscenities at Brandon by the time I finally got him indoors. I locked the front door and looked through the window as a Brandon with a broken bloody nose got into his car and drove away. 

Alan was still muttering insults under his breath as I walked up to him and took his hands in mine. He stopped talking as I examined his bloody knuckles. Then I looked up at him and softly kissed his cheek. He immediately wrapped his arms around me and I felt him shaking. I felt something wet touch my cheek and I realized that Alan was so mad, he was crying. "I swear on my life Kennadee, that no one will ever speak to you that way again." He quietly said through his sobs. I simply clung to him and cried as well. 

We stood there for a couple of minutes I pulled away and led him to the couch. I walked over to the TV and popped in A Walk to Remember into the DVD as Alan took a seat. As the movie started up, I walked into my restroom, got a damp towel and a first aid kid and made my way over to Alan. "Let me see that hand gingy." I said to him. He let me treat his hand and afterwards he laid down with his head on my lap to watch the move. Salem settled on the arm rest beside me as I ran my fingers through Alan's hair.

At 12:30 I stood up to get ready for work. I made my way upstairs to my room and changed into my black ripped skinny jeans and a black Highpoint tattoo t-shirt. I grabbed my red Toms and my red beanie before making my way back downstairs. Alan was feeding Salem as I slipped on my shoes and used the mirror besides my door to put on my beanie. "I wish you didn't have to leave." Alan said softly from behind me. "I'll be back soon, Ashby, I promise." I replied as I turned to face him. He pulled me into his arms for a moment before backing off and looking down on me with a strange expression on his face. "What's the matter, Alan?" He opened his mouth to speak but thought better of it and shook his head. "Nothing Kitty. Nothing at all. Have a good time at work." He said as he let go of me. I planted a small kiss on his cheek before stepping out of my door. "I'll see you soon." I called out. "I'll be here when you return." He answered as I got into my car. I pulled out of my driveway and felt a weight in my heart that got heavier the farther I got from Alan. I didn't want to admit it, but I think I was falling for my best friend. But I couldn't help thinking that he would never feel the same.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2015 ⏰

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