Chapter 3

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A/N: I want to apologize for the shortness of the previous update. But now....Second update of the day!! Yay! I really hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. Please help me out by sharing this story and checking out my Tony Perry fan fic Falling Asleep On A Stranger! Thanks!! My next update might take a while since it has not been written yet but leave me comments on wheather or not you're liking this story and I may just update a bit quicker! Bug me about it. Knowing me I'll probably update faster that way. XD


Kennadee’s P.O.V.

                I had just finished the last tat of the day. “Hey, Josh. I’m heading out.” I said as I stood at the door of his station. He was still working on his last piece. “Sounds good. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He said and I nodded. I exited through the back like always and jumped in my car. I was excited to spend some time with Brandon. I hadn’t seen him for almost a week. Somehow he managed to be super busy for the past couple of days. I didn’t mind though. It gave me time to hang out with my ginger while he was back from tour. Brandon didn’t really like me hanging out with him. He would say that it seemed like Alan liked me and when we had started dating he had tried to prohibit me from being friends with him. I remember I flipped out and he ended up apologizing although he still didn’t like it. It was stupid really? I mean Alan didn’t even like me, he was like my brother. I remember having this huge crush on him my freshman year of high school but he had always been sort of a player so I did my best to forget about it. He wouldn’t like someone like me anyway. It didn’t matter anymore though because I had Brandon and although our relationship was not perfect (which relationship was?), I loved him. 

I pulled into Brandon’s driveway but noticed his car missing. I groaned and turned up the radio to wait in the car. You would think I’d have a key to my boyfriend’s house but I didn’t. He tried to give me one long ago but I had denied it. I didn’t want the key because that would mean I'd eventually have to give him a key to my house and as much as I loved him, I like my privacy. Alan was the only one who had a key to my house and I only had a key to Alan’s. I didn’t want any more keys to keep track of or anyone else having access to my place. It had turned into a big argument at the time about how I didn’t trust Brandon and that he thought I was cheating on him with Alan which of course was completely false.

I turned up the heater in my car to fight against the chilly October air. I cursed under my breath for not having brought a sweater. I decided to switch the radio station to Sirius XM Octane. This was both Alan’s and my favorite station. As soon as I turned it on The Amity Affliction’s Pittsburgh was coming to an end. Damn I missed the song. It was one of my favorites but a smile spread on my face as I heard a familiar tune begin to play through my speakers. I turned up the volume and closed my eyes, leaning my head back as I enjoyed Of Mice & Men’s Would You Still Be There? I began to think of the day that Alan took me into the studio with him when they recorded this song.


“What if the guys don’t want me there, Ashby?” I said as I stood leaning against my staircase. Alan was standing by the open door to my house trying to convince me to go to the studio with him. “Aww, come on Kitty. You know they love you and they won’t mind you being there.” He coaxed. I thought for a minute. What else would I do if I stayed? Brandon was out of town so that’s not going to happen. Finally I heaved a deep sigh. “Okay, fine. I’ll go. But you're going buy me Starbucks first.” I said as I grabbed my purse from where it sat on the couch. I saw Alan smirk as I passed by him on my way out the door. He locked my house behind us and quickly jogged to catch up, placing his arm around my shoulders once he arrived by my side. “See, I knew I could get you to come.” He said. I simply rolled my eyes as he opened the passenger door to his car for me. That was the thing about Alan, he may be an idiot at times or joke a lot but he was always a gentleman. I got into my seat as he closed the door behind me and walked around the car to the driver’s side.

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