Chapter 4

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Alan's P.O.V.

I laid there in my bed with Kennadee in my arms. I couldn't bring myself to go to sleep. I was so mad at that asshole for hurting her. Earlier I had heard the sound of Kennadee's car and had gone to check out if she was here. A part of me did want to see her but I wasn't ready for what I encountered. When she walked in and bumped into me I was just confused but one look at her face and I knew he had done something. When she told me about Brandon hitting her, I was tempted to head over to the faggot's house and beat the shit out of him, but the pained look on Kennie's face broke my heart. It kept me grounded and I knew I couldn't leave her. And I didn't want to. She was so fragile, I just wanted to keep her from breaking. But now with Kennadee fast asleep in my arms I couldn't help but start thinking of all she told me. How the fuck could Brandon do something like that? What makes him think he can lay a hand on my Kennadee?

My mind was ranting and I couldn't sleep. Although I was pissed at Brandon for what happened, I couldn't help but feel a bit relieved for their breakup. Maybe now I had a chance to be with Kennadee. I looked over at the girl sleeping in my arms. What I would give to be like this every night, except having her happy. I was going to have to take my chance while I could. I placed my lips on her forehead softly. I closed my eyes and let myself drift into a calm sleep.

I woke up a couple of hours later when dawn was peeking through the window. Kenn was still asleep. I smiled and carefully got out of bed. I grabbed a change of clothes and walk out to the restroom in the guest room in order to not wake up Kennadee with all my fussing. I jumped in the shower and cleaned up, letting the warm water run down my body and relax me. It took me about 15 minutes to step out of the shower. Once out, I put on a fresh pair of boxer briefs and black skinny jeans. I hung up the wet towel and then walked back to my room to toss the dirty clothes in the laundry basket. I pulled on a fresh Aspire & Create shirt before seeing Kennadee still asleep. I didn't expect her to wake up until probably eleven or so. I was so glad that it was Sunday and Highpoint was closed today. That meant I didn't have to wake her up to go to work.

I made my way downstairs to my little studio to do a bit of writing before she woke up. I set up my gear and plugged in headphones to my amp so I wouldn't make noise for Kenn. I started messing around and soon enough a nice tune made its way out. Whenever I played something I liked I made sure to write it down and record it quickly. Just a couple of things that we could work with later.

I had been working for about two hours when I heard shuffling from behind me. Confused I turned around to find Kennadee watching me. "That sounds good." She said, her voice soft and a bit strained. I smiled. "You're awake?" she nodded and made her way to sit on the chair beside me. "I didn't find you so I guessed it would be pretty late but I was wrong. What are you doing up so early?" she asked. I shrugged. "I couldn't really sleep." She nodded. "Thanks Alan." She said suddenly and I just smiled. "No need to thank me Kitty." She smile before returning her attention to my gear. "Play what you were just playing." She instructed. I turned to my laptop where I had a program set up that wrote the tabs of anything I had just played and returned it a little to figure it out. Once I had it I reset it and began playing again. I noticed Kennadee having that expression on her face from when she focused really hard on something. "Keep playing," she said before getting up and walking to baby grand piano that I had in the room. She listened for a bit before beginning to play along with me, a small melody escaping from the piano chords. I felt my smile grow wider. I hadn't heard Kennadee play the piano in years, probably since she had started dating Brandon. She stopped playing after a while and I did too. "I like that." I said and started writing. I heard Kennadee stand from the piano and walk over to me. She wrapped her arms around my neck from behind while looking over my shoulder at my notes. "Change that to a D minor, Ashby." She said and I did as she asked. After noting everything I set my pencil down and looked up at Kennadee. "Will you go out for breakfast with me?" I asked her and she nodded, letting me go. "Go get dressed then." I said. She nodded and disappeared out the door.

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