Chapter 5

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After the guys' soundcheck we talked for a while longer, the awkwardness now absent in the conversations. I went along with Tony to the bus when he had to unwrap his fresh tat. We decided to take the long way and go meet fans along the way. There was an hour left until the show started and the line was enormous. There was a lot of screaming when we exited the venue.

We stopped to talk to a couple of kids and Tony gave a few autographs before we arrived at the bus. We were the only two here since everyone else had decided to stay in the dressing rooms. Tony went on to fix up the new tat and I just headed to the back lounge in the meantime. I found a boxed set of the Star Wars movies. Oh Tony, you never fail to come through. I turned on the xbox and popped in the first movie I got. I sat watching Attack of the Clones for about twenty minutes before Tony popped into the back lounge and sat down next to me. "You know I sometimes wonder why we're friends, but it's times like these that remind me why." he said and I chuckled. "How's Jenn doing?" I asked referring to his current girlfriend. The thing about Tony is that he was dating a girl 11 years younger than him and I honestly had never seen him happier. They had now been together for over a year and I absolutely loved hanging out with them both when they were in town. "She's great. She's actually touring with us at the moment but since we played San Diego yesterday she decided to stay home overnight with her family and she's going to meet back up with us tomorrow morning." he explained. "Dang, I'm sorry I missed her. It's been some time since I last saw her." "Yeah, she would have really enjoyed seeing you too. Hopefully next time." "Definitely." "So, I don't mean to pry but what's the deal with the break up?" my smile dropped slightly at the thought of Brandon but if there was anyone I could talk to apart from Alan it was Tony Perry. He was a sweetheart and very understanding. Plus, he had been through his fair share of breakups himself. I shared a shortened version of the occurences from last night with him as Anakin and Padme ran through the fields of Naboo in the movie. "So this was just recent?" he asked when I was done. I nodded. "Well, damn, I'm sorry you had to go through that Kenn. But any guy who treats you that way does not deserve you one bit." he continued. I smiled slightly at him. I knew he meant well but it was hard to talk about it still.

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