Step 2: Know your words/grammar

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Step 2!

Make sure you know your language, you can't tell a pun that has no proper grammar. 

It's like at Taco Bell and you pretend to be sad and you say "I didn't want to about it." Like hunty that makes no sense (like most of these sentences- {im actually contemplating at how bad this book is rn-})

I know that does not make sense but, I tried. You don't want to say, "I didn't want to about it." because it makes no sense.

The proper way to say it is, " I don't wanna taco about it." When your friends give you really unimpressed looks, that's when you succeeded.


Barbara: That's my life goal is. To go to Audio Burger eat a burger by myself and say, "man, what a burger."

Gus: Wow that's your life goal. *laughing in the background*

Barbara: And just leave.


When you make a pun make sure to think about what what your going to say so it doesn't sound like you didn't go to school LMAO.

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