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jackson; movie night

You walk the empty streets of Seoul on your way to your boyfriend's apartment. He's an idol, a member of got7 to be exact. How did you guys meet? well long story, we'll get into that another time. He called you a couple of hours ago telling you to come by and watch some movies with him since he has a day off today. You got out of work and decided to quickly head over to your place, shower, change into something more comfortable and head over to jackson's apartment. As you arrive you knock on the door. "Who is it??" you hear his voice inside. "Its me stupid!" you laugh. He quickly opens the door and greets you with an excited hug and kiss. Days like this you cherished forever. You've learned the cons and perks of dating an idol, but you've grown to love Jackson so much that you don't really mind his busy schedule, or fans all over him etc. Jackson is the type to always give his 200% in this relationship, showing you that he cares no matter what, distance, work or whatever comes your way. He always makes time for you and his family, he loves his mom so much its lovely to see them together. Oh and his mom is so sweet to you, while Jackson is on tour or working she invites you over, you two have that kind of mother-daughter relationship that you love. Being with him is something you'll truly never regret.

"Are you hungry?" he says, looking for stuff in his refrigerator. "Not really, i ate something before coming here
so i'm good" you say while making your way towards his couch and jumping making yourself comfortable and closing your eyes for a bit. Unexpectedly, you sense a pair of hands on each side of you and you feel someone hover above you. "i missed you" he says with a warm smile. Then he gives you one of those hugs that you love, him putting his head on your neck, you can feel his breath and everything lol. But his strong arms pulling you close, you felt so protected and at ease when he hugged you. "I missed you more" you whisper. "Ahh if only i could stay like this forever i would" "yeah i mean I wouldn't mind either but you're kinda squishing me right now" you say being unable to breath. "Oh sorry" he laughs and stands up. "So how was your day today?" you ask. "It was good, Mark came over this morning and brought me breakfast, that cutie" he chuckles, and you can't help but laugh. "I swear if you weren't dating me you would be dating Mark" "If i could i would" he laughs. "What about you, how was work?" "Well it was fine i suppose, same old same old" you say while he hands you over a cup of soda to drink.

After a while he motions you to go to his room to watch movies there. His room was so cozy, warm and cool at the same time, you loved spending time there. You take your shoes off and jump in his bed, "so what are we watching" "Well i'm thinking something cute, then a comedy one, and then we can finish off with a horror movie!" he says showing you the three movies. Howl's moving castle, White Chicks, and The Ring. "You know i hate horror movies" you whine. "Come on they're not that baad! plus i'm here to protect you if something bad happens and a demon comes through the window and eats us :)" he says with a serious face. "Not helping." you say with a poker face, and him laughing afterwards. Jackson turns off the lights of the room and starts the movie, you make yourself comfortable while he snuggles up beside you, putting his strong arm around your shoulders.

"Are you crying?!" you ask Jackson while he quickly wipes his tears away. "No i-i just... got something in my eye okay.... i'm a man" he says while he keeps his eyes focused on the ending of HMC. You laugh and keep watching it anyways. Watching a comedy movie with jackson involved him bursting out laughing every 5 seconds. You can't help but laugh at how the guys from white chick look so much like when Jackson dressed up as a girl for that dance competition thing. "I look way sexier than them though" he says. "Of course, your fabulous legs are better babe" you chuckle. From time to time he stroked your hair with his hand, giving you also small kisses around your face and hand.

When the ring was starting he brought a bowl of popcorn. "This is gonna be interesting" he says and you can't help but to look at  him with a serious face. "I'm doing this because you want to watch it, thats all" you say while stuffing popcorn in your mouth. The movie is overall interesting, put you can't help but jump a little bit in some scary parts, but you don't mind cause when that happens Jackson pulls you closer and always says "its okay baby don't worry" while smiling at you. Ahh that smile is such a lady killer.

One of the scariest parts of the movie came and you got so scared and startled that the bowl of popcorn fell and now there's popcorn all over the bed, and on jackson. Jackson looks at you with a poker face with his head filled with popcorn but ends up laughing anyways. "I'm sorry" you laugh. "You got popcorn all over me.. you'll pay for that" He says and he quickly hovers over you and you two start to play fight not paying attention to the scary movie on the background. "JACKSON STOPPP!!" you say in between laughs. "NEEVEEEER" he says and he starts to tickle you. You can't help but burst into a fit of laughter. "S-TTT-.... STOPPP" you laugh. He stops tickling you but he grabs you and throws you on his back while standing up in the bed "What are you gonna do now huh" he says. "LET ME GOO" you whine while punching (softly of course) his back. You decided to tickle him, once you do you two fall on the bed, you sitting on top of him. And you continue tickling him. "Who's the loser nooowww" you say and laugh while you see him in pain laughing. "PLEASE STOP I SURRENDER I GIVE UP I GIVE UP" he pleaded. "Okay okay" you laugh, still on top of him. "I like this view better..." he says while looking at you. A sudden loud af scream comes from the movie making you scream as well, this time falling on top of him. He holds you close and laughs. "You okay there" he chuckles. "Ugh fucking movie" you say but then you look at him. You two were inches a part. He grabs a piece of your hair and puts it behind your ear, holding your face afterwards, you start to lean in, and he gives you a sweet slow kiss. Your phone suddenly rings, its your alarm, it was 9pm already and you had to go to your apartment "Crap i have to go" you say. "Noo please don't go yet" he says grabbing your hand while you stand up. "I have to Jackson, if i stay here a little longer it'll be too late out to walk on my own" you say grabbing your purse. "Then don't go, stay with me... please" he looks at you with a sad expression, not wanting you to leave. "fine... i'll stay" "YES!!" he jumps in excitement and goes over to his closet. "Here you can wear this!" he motions to a tshirt he has. "No wait, this will be more comfortable" he throws the shirt to the bed and grabs another one. "Do you want a hooodie? do you want to borrow pants?" he keeps searching for stuff on the closet and you can't help but laugh at how funny and excited he looks. "Jackson!" you laugh, "Just give me anything" he looks at you and comes back to his senses pulling out one of his big warm hoodies. After you change you head over to the bed and keep watching the movie with him, not really paying attention to it, kissing from time to time, stroking his hair, talking about random stuff. "I love you" he randomly says while you were telling him something that happened to you a while back. "what?" "i said, i love you, so much" he looks at you and gives you a smile, you smile back. "i love you more" you say. He leans in and gives you a forehead kiss, later giving you a butterfly kiss and then kissing your lips. You snuggle up beside him and close your eyes, taking in the moment.

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