Namjoon~BTS (RapMon)

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Namjoon; Request (nat x joon)
•you being sick and your boyfriend taking care of you•

You make your way to the door in burrito mode with your bulky sheets over your cold body, your hair tied up in a bun as your face shows no emotion at all. "Nataliaaa" Namjoon calls out while knocking on the door. Hearing his voice made you smile a bit. You opened the door as you saw your boyfriend standing outside in the cold winter afternoon. "Aigoo look at my baby" he says as steps inside bringing you in for a warm hug. The height difference was nice knowing he was a skyscraper and you were as tall as a two-floor mcdonalds. He takes of his jacket leaving him in his black sweater, changing his famous black boots for a pair of slippers. You manage to smile a bit as you see his adorable smile. "I missed you" you say, still hugging the bulky sheets around you. "I missed you more, not being able to see you all this time makes me sick" "Are you sure, cause I'm positive that I'm the one who's sick right now" Namjoon laughs at your lame joke (like he always does) and he sents some bags on the table. "What are those for?" You ask standing beside him as he
reveals some ingredients and medicine. "This is for you well being, look at you, your even more pale than Yoongi-ah and you're burning up!" He says his hand touching your forehead afterwards. "I hate being sick!! I want to kiss you but i can't!! I want to hug you but then you'll get sick tooooo!!!" you whine almost throwing a fit while your boyfriend laughs at
your pouty face. "heeeyy!! I'm here now, plus who said I couldn't kiss you?!" He surprised you with a nice peck on the lips, leaving you shocked with your eyes opened, turning red. "Someone's getting less pale and more red now" he jokes. "YAAAHH!! Don't do that!" You say as he
caught you off-guard. Suddenly namjoon lifts you up carrying you bridal style. "YAAH KIM NAMJOON WHAT THE-" he brings you to your bedroom gently setting you on your bed. "You need to rest babe, so stop whinning and go to sleep for a bit okay" he smiles giving you a kiss on the forehead. You listen to his words as you close your eyes falling deep in your nap. 10 minutes in your sleep, you feel a warm heat on your forehead, your sleepy eyes open slightly as you see him placing a warm towel on your forehead for your bad cold. Your lips curled up into a smile, Namjoon saw that you noticed his presence so he kisses your cheek, and then he pecked your lips once more before leaving your room. Sleepiness beat you to it so your eyes closed as you fell asleep again.

You wake up to a very familiar smell, Porridge. Your eyes flutter open as you see your boyfriend carrying over a little bed table with some plates. You make yourself more comfortable by sitting on the bed as he sets up the little table in front of you. "I made you your favorite, hurry and eat it before it gets hot!" He says as he grabs the spoon and as a good boyfriend he is, he feeds you. "Thank you darling, i'll eat well" After finishing the delicious porridge your boyfriend made, he leaves again to wash the plates.

"You should go wash up!" Namjoon says standing at your door. "Is this another way of telling me i stink?!" you cross your arms as he laughs/smiles looking down. "No, but i prepared a hot bath for you"

You stand in front of the bath with namjoon beside you. "Let me help" he says as he starts helping you get undressed, gently, and sweetly. He helps your fully naked body slowly get into the tub. He kneels down beside the tub. "Sit down" he gestures, he lets your hair loose and he helps you wash up a bit. Washing your hair while giving it really good massages. Putting some soap on your back as his hands relax your back muscles....

After the relaxing bath. Namjoon wraps you up in a towel as he lets you off to go change.

"Lets watch a movie!" he says grabbing the controlers. "Namjoon... I dont mean to sound rude but, dont you need to work?" he shakes is head in no. "I got two days off to spend with you, I can't bare having you sick and alone and me working!!" you blush as you smile because of your boyfriends cute gesture.

"Ahh i need to brush my hair," you say standing up but being held back afterwards. "You stay right there!! I'll do it" He goes over to look for a brush; coming back and sitting behind you on the bed afterwards. You sit indian style on the bed as your boyfriend starts brushing your semi wet hair. "Your hair is so long and nice... smooth too. I really like it" you can sense a smile forming his lips as he gently brushes your hair... "Remember, when your sick i'll always be here to help. When your down i'll always be here to
make you smile and make you feel better. We're not getting married yet but, 'in sickness and in health' right?" he smiles. You look back at him, smiling. He wraps up his arms around your waist hugging you tightly. "I love you".

GOT7&BTS Imagines~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang