Junior~GOT7 (Jinyoung x Sarah)

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Junior; Request Jinyoung x Sarah

Shit. I'm late for work. I finally arrive at my work place, almost an hour late cause of traffic, as I make my way in I can see my boss walking around with a mad face, all the workers looked really stressed out. You see my job is as boring as it can be, I work in an office translating and editing the assigned papers they give me. "Today was not a good day for you to come late Sarah" Shin Hee tells me, she's one of my only friends here and I'm glad she works with me cause if not this would be hell. "Why? What happened everybody looks all gloomy and mad today" "Yeah tell me about it, today has been shit for the company; You should-" she gets cut off by our boss passing beside us "Sarah, my office, now." Shin Hee looks at me with a 'shit, good luck in there' look and walks away.

"No excuses! I've heard enough already!! Work is work and if you don't take this seriously you might as well get the hell out of here" he says, i just stand there with my head down "Sorry sir" "You came an hour late, its past 5pm already, you'll have to work two hours extra now! no buts!!" he just sits there looking for papers and he hands me like a tower of documents that I now have to translate. Great. I usually get out of work around 7:30pm, but now i have to work two hours more?!? curse this company for working at noon instead of morning till like 4pm like other companies.

"Have these done by 9 if not you'll be in trouble" I go over to my little messed up office and start working on all the things he gave me and believe me its a lot.

"Two more sentences Sarah come on you can do this" I tell myself, as i finish my work, i save all the documents and head over to grab my purse and leave this shitty ass place.


"Great, traffic, just my luck!" After an infinity of being stuck in traffic because of a car accident that happened near by I head over to my place. Opening the door and throwing my keys and purse on the dinning table. "Junior I'm here!!" I say loud enough for him to hear. Then he comes out of our room standing beside the door.

"Where have you been?" he says coldly. He looks pissed off, you can just tell bec- shit. OUR DATE!

"Shit oh my god Jinyoung I'm so sorry i missed it!!" I walk towards him but he just avoids my gaze and walks inside the room. "You know it's hard enough for me to take time out for us!! You know how fucking busy my schedule is Sarah! And i stood in the fucking restaurant waiting for 3 hours! I called you, nothing, I texted you and nothing!!" He is practically almost shouting by now. He grabs the bouquet of red roses he bought me and throws them in front of me. "Oh yeah these are for you" he says in a coldly and fake smile kind of tone. I just stand there being a little scared of his way of acting, he has never been like this before i mean throwing stuff and yelling like this?

"Jinyoung I'm sorry i had to work extra hours at that stupid company I didn't mean to-" "Save it" "Jinyou-" "I'm honestly tired of you always making up excuses!! Its always the same bullshit Sarah!"

"I'm NOT making this up Junior if you don't want to believe me then that's your choice to make I already said I was sorry" Now i'm the one who's yelling, awesome. You know its hard enough that work today was a complete ass but now I come home to my boyfriend yelling at me and getting mad at me for this?! Unbelievable.

"I'm gonna go to sleep." Jinyoung grabs a pillow and heads over to sleep in the couch of our living room. No goodnight, no nothing.


I stand on the kitchen floor sipping on my cup of coffee while Junior is fast asleep on the couch. Ah yesterday was a mess, I dont blame him tho he must've been really upset, now I'm the one who feels bad.

"Good Morning" he says while walking towards me, "Morning" we stare at each other not knowing what to say.

"Look I'm sorry about yesterday I was upset and mad and god i fucked it up sorry for throwing the flowers at you it was not my intention to do so" He looks at me with pleading eyes and a tired look, his eyes all droopy and he looks as if he didn't get enough sleep last night.
"it's okay, It was my fault too for never telling you in advance and forgetting; I'm really sorry I kept you waiting all night" I place my coffee cup on the kitchen table and walk a little closer to him. His head down low, I place my hand on his chin making him look at me. "I overreacted, I'm sorry Sarah" "Jinyoung It's okay" I give him a warm look and he then leans in burying his face in my neck and giving me a hug. "I'm sorryyyyy" he says again. "Junior stop saying that you're sorry!" i laugh a bit, he looks at me a smile forming on his lips "Sorry... Hahahah my bad, i mean... Let's just forget this ever happened okay?" his cute little eye smile appears, that smile that can get anyone to instantly fall in love. "Fine by me" i smile at him back and he leans in giving me a little peck on my lips.

Hope you enjoyed it! JrLJoe

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