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"Do you think you can come?" he says through the phone. "Yeah i'll try to get there on time" "Okay well i hope to see you soon baby, drive safe, saranghae" the call ends. You make your way to Big Hit's company building. You were gonna go visit your boyfriend while he practices, and afterwards you were gonna stay the night at his apartment. You go pick up some food you bought for the boys. While you arrive at Big Hit's building, you let the officer know you're here to see the boys, since they already know you he lets you in. "This way miss, Fourth floor up! Have a good night!" the secretary says. You thank her and enter the elevator with a few more people. Just as you arrive at the fourth floor, you see the practice room at the end of the hall. Carrying the bags of food you knock on the door and Jin opens it. "Y/N!'! Hi come in!" he says while the other boys notice your presence in the back. "Hey guys!" you wave at them, they all come foward to give you a hug and to say hi. "How have you been kiddo!" yoongi says. "You're still with the kiddo thing! i'm just a couple of years younger!" you laugh, you and yoongi are like best friends, apart from the boys and your boyfriend he was the closest to you. "Y/NNNNN!!!" jimin and tae run towards you "YOU BROUGHT FOOD. ahh i love her hoseok" namjoon says taking the bags from you and placing them in a near table. "Yeah yeah don't give her too much love guys, i'm the one who's gonna give a lot of love to her tonight" he says putting his hand around your waist. Everyone looks at hoseok weird and with dirty minds. "NOT IN THAT WAY" he says. And you can't help but laugh. "Alright alright let's take a break, thanks for the food y/n! guys sit so we can eat" kookie says while opening the bowls of food. After they all finished eating, they took like a 15min break, and started practicing again. You helped them play, pause or change the songs on the computer while they danced. After like another 2 hours they decided to call it a night. It was 10:47pm.

"Well guys we should go" namjoon says. "Yeah i'm really tired and i need to rest" Jin says. "lets call it a night then, i'll wait for everyone in the car", Jimin says taking the keys. "You guys go ahead, i'll stay with y/n here, i'll practice my solo for the MAMA's and then i'll head over to my apartment" hoseok says. "You're not staying at the dorm tonight?" Yoongi asks. "Nope let him be he wants alone time with her" Tae says laughing and making a dirty face "Yeah yeah whatever see you guys!" hobi says waving everyone goodbye, after they all said their goodbyes they leave. And you're left alone with a very hot and sweaty hobi.

"What song should i play next?" you ask making your way to the computer. "Play track number 13 please, its on my playlist" you play it and hoseok starts his practice. After like 15min of him practicing you make your way beside him and try to at least imitate what he does. Failing of course, you can't help but laugh at how silly you look beside him. "You dork!" he says while tightly hugs you. "Stop making fun of me or else!" he warns you but smiles. You two were inches apart. "Or elseeee what?" you ask. You run away from his embrace and start making fun of him again. "Oh don't you dare get away from me!!!" he says while laughing. You try to not get caught but end up being caught by him anyways. "You're all sweatyyy hoseok get awaaay!" you laugh. "Nah! better yet!" he runs and catches you again from the back. "Ewww sweaat sweaat!" you laugh. "Alright alright i'll stop" he lets you go. You stand in front of him and you hold his hand, and start to look at it. "I love your hands you know" you say, intertwining your fingers with his. "And i love you" he says grabbing your other hand. "chessy" you smile at him. "hahaha i know but you love if when i'm all cheesy" "true" he smiles at you and places a sweet peck on your forehead. He looks at you in the eyes waiting for you to kiss him now but you only say "you need to go shower so we can leave" "you are really that eager to go to my apartment huh" he chuckles. "Go shower!!" you laugh. "Fine fine, but kiss me first" "what if i don't want to" "okay then be like that!" he surrenders and starts walking away. After almost making it to the door he stops and turns around. "PLEASE JUST ONE" he begs. You laugh and go over to him, you cup his face and give him a gentle kiss. "Now go!" you giggle. "YAY OKAY" he now leaves almost running to go shower and change.
"Finally home" he says while making his way to his bed. "I missed my bed so much" You go to his closet and change into a big shirt of his and you take of your bra. Suddenly you feel two arms around your waist and a tall figure hugging you from the back. "But i missed you the most" he rests his chin on your shoulder. You turn around and you lightly touch his face cupping it with your hands. "look at my handsome boyfriend, we've been together for months now and it's still hard to believe that you're my boyfriend" he laughs, ah that smile that melts you inside. "Lets go" he says while grabbing your hand and going to bed. He lays down and you make your way next to him. "Y/N, why do i love you so much?" he asks, playing with your hair and now in a cuddling type of way. "I dont know only you know the answer to that question" you reply back, looking at him. His gaze now looking at you. "You're so beautiful, god i'm so lucky"  his lips quickly but slowly connect with yours. He gives you a sweet innocent kiss that turned into a make out session, his hands trail your torso and back, playing with the hem of your underwear. Now you can feel the hunger and passion in the kiss. Everything becomes more intense and now he's on top of you leaving wet trails of kisses on your neck, down to your collarbones. You quickly take of his shirt and he chuckles, leaning in for another kiss. <<you know what happens next>>

The next morning you wake up naked under the sheets. The clarity and the rays of sun coming from the big window on his room, giving light to the whole room. You can see the whole mess in the bed, yesterday sure was crazy. You sit and cover yourself with the white sheets, remembering his kisses and his touch on your skin. "Good morning baby" hobi enters the room shirtless and in a pair of sleeping pants with iron man on them. "Morning" he gives you a light peck on the lips. "I made you breakfast let me go get it okay" he says while making his way to the door. After he leaves you quickly rush over to his bathroom and brush your teeth and brush your hair. You leave it all messy and just put on some bra and underwear. You go back to the bed and wait for him. 10:03am. "Here we go, eggs, bacon, some bread and coffee for my girl" he puts the bed table thingy in front of you so you're able to eat. "Thank you~" you say while smiling at him. You start eating and while you're at it you make conversation with him. "Where did you get those pants btw" you ask. Hobi looks at them, and then says "Oh Jungkookie got them for me" "No wonder" you laugh while finishing your last bit of bread. After you finish you go to the kitchen to clean the dishes. "Are you gonna put some clothes on?" he asks, standing on the entrance of the kitchen. "Nah i'll stay like this is more comfortable than I thought" you walk to his bed again and gesture him to sit beside you, turning on the tv. "Yeah stay like that, i like it" he gives you a dirty look. "Stop with the dirty looks! we already had enough fun yesterday!" you laugh while hitting him with a pillow. "Hahaha i know and i enjoyed it very much" he lays down beside you placing his head on your stomach and his arms around you. You guys start watching a movie and you decide to spend the day chilling on the apartment and then at noon you decide to go out and do something productive.

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