Youngjae~GOT7 (Youngjae x Sarah)

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Youngjae; Request: Sarah x Youngjae


We make our way to Youngjae's car after our little picnic we had at a near yet beautiful park. "Did you enjoyed it?" He says with a smile on his lips while starting the car. "I always do, no matter where we go as long as its with you" he leans in kissing my cheek. Grabbing my hand he gets on his way to my apartment. "Tomorrow we will go out again" umm what? he randomly says making me stop singing my lungs out with the music playing in the radio. "Huh?" you lower the volume looking at him. Don't get me wrong, i love going out with him, but how come he has so much time on his hands. Keeping his eyes on the road he says "You heard me! Another date" he smiles, I got to admit I got all excited inside. We've been going out on dates for like a whole week straight; every single day he comes up with something new to do. "But oppa, how come you're not busy with GOT7?"

"Oh...yeah they gave us free time to rest, so i decided to spend it with you" a slight blush appears on my face as I look down, he looks at me for a second pinching my cheek. "Cute"


"We're are we going Youngjae?"
another day has come and another date is soon to start. "It's a surprise, and you look really beautiful by the way" He comes closer giving me a hug giving me a light peck afterwards. His kisses were so soft and delicate that every time he'd kiss me I could feel his sincere love for me.

"You don't look bad yourself, you look very handsome actually" Fixing his tie and looking at him, his eyes filled with pure emotion and happiness. He told me to wear something nice and formal like a dress and heels, so I decided to go with a maroon dress and some black heels, and Youngjae well, he looks really good with a full black tux.

We finally arrive at the 'secret' destination which is a beautiful restaurant, and by the looks of it a very pricey and good one, everyone was dressed up looking all formal.

"Table for two? This way please" Youngjae grabs my hand as we walk to our table, the waitor takes our order and while they make our food, that gives us a little time to have a little chit chat.

"Sarah..." "Yes Youngjae?", "Well I want you to know, that i love you very much, all these days spent with you have been the best. I wanna thank you for making me the happiest guy on earth, for always being there for me, for always supporting me. I know times will get tough and even if we're far away I want you to know that I still love you, always have, always will, I will always love you, no matter what happens, I will always be there for you, and you'll never be alone" He grabs my hand doing gentle circular motion strokes. A smile appears on my lips as he says those beautiful words. But why the speech? Is he gonna propose? Oh no i mean not that i dont want to but aren't we too young?! Shit Sarah stop overthinking!!

"Youngjae, i dont know what to say, I love you so much, those words you just said are sincere, thank you for every single thing, you've also made me the happiest girl on earth and i dont know what i'd do without you" a little tear escapes my eye as we have our moment. He gives me a warm smile and then he fiddles around looking for something on the inside of his tux, he comes out with a little box, he opens it revealing a beautiful silver necklace with a puzzle piece charm hanging from. "Here, I want you to have this, my mom gave it to me when i was little, she said to me 'Youngjae, Choi Youngjae... Wherever I go, even if we're together, even if we're apart, this necklace will be something to remind you that no matter what I'll always be here, this is a piece of me, so now, while you wear this you'll always have a piece of me' So now, I want you to give this to you, she gave it to me before she died, and i think I should give it to you now cause I love you very much and no matter the distance, no matter where I go, I always want you to have a piece of me" The tears are real now. I can't believe he is giving me such a special thing, he has told me about this necklace before, but i never thought he'd give it to me.

GOT7&BTS Imagines~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon