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 Copyright © 2011 Sabrina Schreck.

heyy guys! Im updating soo soon!! woot woot! Soo i wont talk much just the usual: Comment, Vote, Fan!

Chapter Four

I woke up with the feeling of a hangover, even though I didn't even have a sip of an alcoholic drink last night. I dragged myself out of bed and tried to think of what happened last night. I remember my new record dive but everything is blank after that. I moaned as a headache bloomed. I winced as I opened my eyes. They were so sensitive at the moment so I kept them closed. I tripped into my bathroom and got ready. Unfortunately, I didn't have time for a shower but I thought I remembered that I had taken a shower the night before. I brushed my hair threw on some clothes and sunglasses and ran down the stairs to get to school.

"Good morning, Mom!" I yelled as I sped through the kitchen to grab an energy bar.

"Selena? Would you like to tell me where the hell you were last night?!" Clarice yelled at me entering the kitchen, hands on her slim hips.

I looked at her completely lost. She sighed, "You came in last night like a zombie. You wouldn't talk to me and as soon as your head hit your pillow, you passed out! I was so worried! And when I came outside this morning, I didn't see the boat anywhere! You, Missy, have some serious explaining to do!"

I glanced at the clock on the red, kitchen wall. "I'll explain when I get home. I gotta go! Bye!" I kissed her on the cheek and left her there mumbling.

I ran up the steps just as the bell rang for first period. "Shit," I cursed as I busted through the front doors.

"Where do you think you're going, young lady?" A voice called from behind me. I turned and came face to face with, none other than, the king of discipline: Mr. Davis.

"Hi-i, Mr. D. I was just going to class." I stuttered.

"Tardy again." He tsked and brought out a little packet of infraction slips.

I sighed, "Mr. Davis, no! I can't have detention today. I have my driver's test AND a sponsor showing!"

"Well that's too bad. You should think of that next time you go to bed too late." He said ripping off the slip and handing it to me.

I looked up at him. "Please, Mr. Davis." I pleaded. "Don't do this to me."

He looked at me with a blank expression. "Please. Don't." I repeated.

"You know what? I think I'll just give you a warning." He said, his face, emotionless. He handed me a  slip with an excuse on it and took back the infraction slip.

I smiled, "Thanks."

He shook his head and walked away. I turned and ran to my locker. I grabbed my materials and headed for first period.

I basically snored off the rest of the morning and was relieved when lunch finally arrived. I walked outside and winced at the bright light and threw my sunglasses back on. I walked over to Michelle and Caitlin.

"Hey guys, you'll never believe what happened this morning. Okay so I was late to school and Mr. Davis caught me in the halls and.....," I went on but Michelle cut me off.

"Oh my GAWD! Where were you last night?! Your mom called me and asked if you were at my place and I said no. She went on about how you didn't come home and it was getting late and she even started crying. Then this morning, at, like, four, she called again saying that you made it home safely but were like a zombie. So where were you?!" Michelle huffed as she finished.

"Shell, calm down. I am fine. And to be honest, I don't really remember anything last night. I remember going out and diving but then after that, I think I fell asleep. I don't know. Something might have happened, I guess. I just don't remember." I explained.

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