My Twin

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Chapter Seven

I flicked my tail and I felt the water slide past me. I swam as fast as possible to the island and as I neared it I stopped and swam past it. I didn't need to see Syrena, I needed to see my sister. I swam to the city and was greeted by Syrena's brother.

What are you doing here? He growled.

It's my city now too. I hissed back impatiently.

Well, who says I'm letting you through? He asked and sneered.

I'm saying, LET ME THROUGH. I ordered. He stared at me blankly and slowly went over to the panel and punched in the password. I swam past the dazed merman and through the gate. I looked back at him and I saw him face palm his face and glare after me. I smirked and headed for my sister's house.

I knocked on the door and Ariana answered. Hi Ari, is Maria here?

The girl nodded and brought me to Maria's room. Ariana left and I knocked. Maria, it's me. I want to talk to you.

The door opened and she pulled me inside. I looked around and smiled at the cute little sponge bed. Well, it wasn't exactly little, it was huge.

What's wrong? What happened? Maria demanded and grabbed a brush from the dresser and sat on the bed. I joined her.

Can I just start from the beginning? I asked and she nodded. Okay, well, ever since dad and you went missing, this girl kept harassing me about everything. From clothes to Dad to boys. My friends and I call her the Queen Bitch.

Nicee. Maria smiled.

I nodded and continued. Anyway, today I found out that she's a Dark Mermaid and-

Maria cut me off. What's her name?

Uh, Alison Grey, why? I asked.

Alison Grey. Maria snorted. You should probably stay away from her. She's bad news.

Well, I know that. But,what has she done? I wondered. Sure, Alison was mean, but she was mean with her words. She doesn't hurt people physically. She wouldn't anyways, she'd break a nail.

Selena, she's a controller, like you. But she controls the weather and she controls people. What did she say to you? Maria interrogated.

She wanted me to come back to the Black Castle with her. She tried to convince me that I was a Dark Mermaid. I answered.

All right, you definitely need to stay away from her. I don't know if she can control another controller but she's good with her words. She can get you to go with her. She will use everything and everyone, that's important, against you. Don't trust a thing that she says.  Maria warned.

Okay, I know. Stay away, got it. Thanks, Maria. I said. She nodded.

Soooooo, I have school, but you are welcome to join me. She suggested.

School? I asked.

Mermaids still need to learn, She smiled.

Sure, I'll come. I agreed.

Okay, but you can't go like that. Maria tsked. I looked down. What am I supposed to change? I have a purple strapless top on and then there is my tail. I looked back up at her confused. She grinned and dragged me to a jewelry box. She brushed my tangly hair and gave me a headband to pull back my hair. She held up a necklace and I shook my head. Maria frowned and looked at the necklace that I was already wearing. My locket.

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