The Guide

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Chapter Five

I started to hyperventilate as I saw the tail. Mermaids aren't real, I told myself, this isn't possible. Staring down at the tail, my tail, I was proved wrong. I looked up and realized the water was pulling me away from shore. I tried to fight against it but it was no use. I was pulled until I could no longer see my home.  I sighed and stopped fighting and swam with the strange current that was pulling me. I saw land ahead and I went faster. As soon as I got close enough to see details my heart dropped. I saw my fathers boat at the bottom of the ocean and the extra emergency boat still on the shore. I was at the island that I crashed into last night. I tried to turn but the current took me to an underwater cave. The underwater cave soon turned into the pool of water I was in last night.

Selena, I heard the voice again in the back of my head.

"What's happening, what's going on?" I screeched back.

I have brought you here to talk, the voice said.

"Who are you?" I yelled ignoring her previous comment.

I am Syrena, the Guide of Mer-people, Syrena whispered.

"Where are you?" I asked, unsure about everything.

Syrena made a sighing noise. I am beneath you, above you, in the air around you. I am no where and everywhere. When you need me, I will be there, when you want me but no longer need me, I won't. This island is my home.

"That was a strange answer," I commented. "What I meant was-"

Do I have a physical form? Yes. Then the water around my bubbled and another mermaid with a gold tail was next to me. I screamed and almost fainted. She was the girl from my dream. The girl in my drawings and paintings. She smiled.

"I have been trying to communicate with you through your dreams. To warn you about what would happen on your birthday. But you were too stubborn to listen. As soon as you saw me you would wake up and draw me. You were stubborn and wouldn't listen."

"How the hell am I supposed to listen to that kind of warning? I mean seriously who goes around saying: Oh and your going to become a mermaid on your birthday and grow a tail and everything."

"Will you calm down? I don't know if you noticed but the water is boiling." I looked down and realized that the water was warm and bubbly.

"What the-?"

"It's part of your powers. Are you willing to listen to my explanation?" She asked patiently. I nodded.

She swam over to an underwater bench and I joined her. "So you see, mer-people come from a moon goddess. We were a mistake, I guess you could say. She meant to create moon children who could live and survive on the moon. She experimented on a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse, hoping that the children would be more special. She played with white and dark magic and her end result was us, mer-people. She was disgusted by her creation and tried to destroy us. But when she discovered she made two different mer races, she let us live. The two races are: The Dark Mer and The Light Mer. The Dark Mer were created during a lunar eclipse and with dark magic, The Light Mer were created during a solar eclipse and with white magic. We, as in me and you, are Light Mer. We are the 'good' mermaids. And the Dark Mer are the 'bad' mer-people.

"About eight years ago the Dark Mer found a spell. A spell that would make them more powerful and us weaker. When mer-people can change back to their human form, they are powerful. Almost unstoppable. Dark Mer are allowed to change back because of the spell, they were not before. Light Mer cannot change back because of the spell, we were able to before. So the Dark took over and I don't know if you remember, but eight years ago there was many missing persons..."

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