P.1. Introduction

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"Hello there, My name is Arthur James Kirkland. I am fourteen years old and I'm from the West End of London. My specialist dance style is classical ballet and I have been in it training since I could walk. I also take classes in ballroom, jazz-modern and theatre craft. There is nothing in this world that makes more sense to me than dancing. Today, I will be performing for you three set-pieces from the 'La Bayadère' anthology."

That was my audition script. It flashes through my mind whenever I set foot through the decaying,  gothic, wooden doorway of the 'International Passion' dance academy. I've been attending here for five years and every single time I catch the smell of old leather ballet shoes and polished wooden floors I remember the small, thin boy who was about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime.

'International Passion' is one of the worlds most acclaimed dance academies, taking on only the most well-trained, professional dancers and constructing them into gods of the dancing world. It houses dancers from almost every country in the world. Starting from age fourteen when you enter the audition process up to senior citizens. Once you enter 'IP' you become family for life.

Now a little about me. My name is still Arthur James Kirkland and I'm still from London's notorious West End.  Although, now I am nineteen years of age and still living my life devoted to dance. I can't think of much else to tell you about my story... I have four brothers and I don't have many hobbies outside of dancing apart from reading; I love reading.

Heres's one thing I can tell you. My life was pretty dull, dancing in the day and walking on the rainy nights. Until one particularly rainy day in October when a new challenger entered the dancing arena and by the tip of his ivory leather ballet shoe... foxtrotted his way into my life.

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