P.2. The Collesium

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Life is not easy for a student at 'International Passion'. The ethereal world of the arts is a dangerous and tough world to become successful in. When you have the drive to immerse yourself in your craft so wholeheartedly that you face pain and mental torture every day of your life you can then see the level of commitment from our school's students.

In terms of the academic curriculum, we get it much easier. We have two hours of mandatory lessons each day from 13:00-15:00 hours which consist of literature and finance. Then we take one extra hour for an elective class which can be one of the following subjects:

Physical and body studies (This is where you'd get your science elements.)

Health and domestic science (This is advanced first aid and basic life skills such as cookery)

Languages (Essential for any dancer who wishes to perform overseas)

Textiles (For students who want to branch into costume design)

Ou electives are chosen specifically to assist students in branching their horizons worldwide. We don't play aggressive sports or contact sports because they pose a great risk to our bodies and can cause career-ending injuries. You find most of the male students taking physical and body studies and most of the females taking languages and textiles. It's frightfully old fashioned in my opinion.

I chose languages to assist me with communication for international dance competitions, also partly to hang out with the girls. The lessons are quite and we can study almost anywhere in the academic sector of the complex. I like to study in the library with my partner Alice, at the moment we're studying Italian.

After our elective hour is over we have roughly a quarter of an hour to get to the ballroom before we start evening classes.

Alice and I briefly split up to change into our leotards and then reconvene outside just before we start warming up.

I thoroughly enjoy warming up with Alice, she's a marvel to look at! She has long blonde hair that she ties up in a neat ballet bun, round wire-framed glasses and a beautiful figure. I've had a growing crush on Alice for quite some time but I'm content with just being her close friend.
She always tells me "Arthur, we make no time for men who waste our time!", and every single time I crack the smallest smile and whisper "Yes, my lady!".

Despite taking the language elective together for two years, Alice and I only started dancing together a year ago but we've been setting the bar for the other students ever since, our instructor describes it as "undeniable chemistry".

We began our classes with a stretching routine. In a splits pose we take turns pushing each other's legs to keep the muscles warm and supple. At five minutes in I noticed her reduce the pressure she was placing on my legs.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Look at him." She paused for a second between each word, almost swooning in my grasp, as a tall, slim male strode into the ballroom following behind our stout ballroom instructor. 

In the time it took for the pair to advance towards the ballroom floor I took the opportunity to study the boy's features.
He looked around eighteen years old, golden blonde hair tied up at the back with a turquoise ribbon, he had very chiselled features and very muscular arms. He was wearing a black 'IP' tank top and matching leggings showing off a pair of shapely thighs.

The whole room stared in awe at the newcomer as he made his entrance. The instructor clapped his hands to regain our attention.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm proud to announce our newest recruit. I would like you to meet François Bonnefoy. Do tell the class about yourself, François" He signalled for 'François' to begin speaking.

"Bonjour, My name is François Bonnefoy, however, Francis will be just fine." He winked in the direction of one of the girls.

"I am from Paris, France. I am 18 years old..." He continued on.

"Called it" I whispered under my breath.

"My passion is dance and my speciality is ballroom and ballet... and for now that's all you need to know!" He punctuated the 'for now' with a flick of his ponytail.

The instructor then raised a question. "Which of you lovely and talented young ladies wants to show Francis the ropes and be his partner for the next few months?".

All the girls who remained mildly conscious had their hands high in the air. Except for my darling Alice, who had turned quite red and looked away. But you'll never guess who the instructor chose.

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