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Deserts spread far as the eye could see as I gawked at our surroundings. There's no freaking desert in San Fancisco, so where the Hell were we?

The car ride was about an hour since we left the 'safe house', and it was more than uncomfortable. I was guarded in the trunk space by 2 men while the others sat in front. No one looked at me, and I was greatful--though I still couldn't quell the feeling of anxiety that settled over my shoulders like a wet blanket.

My captors hardly spoke at all as we travled over uneven terrain in the hot sun. Humidity built up in the compact space, and just when I thought I was going to get car sick, we stopped infront of a big red rock. I was expecting some sort of warehouse tucked away in the desert rocks, but there were only makeshift tents and huts scattered about the red cliffs along with crates labled: Arsenal.

That can't be good.

Thugs meandered about doing different activities, like putting together weapons, changing gun powder, practicing their shot--things of that matter. I shrank away from their lingering stares as I was ushered through their little terrorist camp by my kidnappers. There was one particularly big tent that they stopped infront of; informing a standing guard with his shirt tied around his head that they were here to see Price. The guard disapeared behind the curtains for a moment, then cast it aside, welcoming us in the shade.

The man at the wooden table with a radio and a map on it was middle aged. He had greying brown hair, dull brown eyes to match, leathered skin from the sun, and a white scar that ran down his right cheek to his mouth, making it twist up at the corner like a snarl. From his sitting position, I couldn't tell if he was muscular or not, but he intimidated me to no end.

The men nodded respectfully at him. I only stared fearfully.

"Why have you come?" Price demanded, taking a moment to meet eyes with each of the 4 men standing before him.

"We bring you this." Blondie answered, nudging me foward roughly. I lost my balance and fell to the ground, scraping my palms. Price's cold glare settled on me, and I cringed at the eye contact. Just from staring into his face, I knew this man was evil.

After a few beats of strained silence, he released me from his gaze and turned his attention to his soldiers. I slumped and shivered as cold sweat broke out across my flesh. Please oh please don't leave me with this man.

"What do you expect me to do with her?"

"W-well," Scottish guy scrambled to answer, "We thought you might want to sell her into slavery?" Price gave him a funny look, making him blurt, "Aiden made up a plan, I had nothing to do with it!"

Everyone but Aiden took a small step back to expose him to Price's wrath. He seemed undettered by their cowardice move, and drew himself erect before speaking.

"She could be our brand: The face of our movement. An innocent American girl will draw attention. It'll move the peoples' hearts and strike fear into the nation. We need a victim to rattle their nerves." he stated, his voice blank. I felt tears creep hot and heavy into my eyes, and I wanted to make a break for it right then and there.

Price rubbed a hand under the scruff on his chin, his eyes regarding him quietly. Everyone seemed to be nervously holding their breath--Hell, even I was holding my breath. Price met all of our eyes again, and I flinched when they landed on mine.


The word shattered all the silence and brought forth tension, confusion, and for me; dread.

Aiden blinked once, "No?"

"No." Price stood up and walked around his desk. He was tall, with an average build, but still held power. "Why would I keep her? We don't need this little..." He looked at me with disdain, "bitch, included in our plans. She would only get in the way." He stopped infront of Aiden and glowered at him. He leaned close into his face and sneered, "And where do you get off to making plans and decisions like this? You've only been here for 3 months; you have no say. You follow orders, not give them." He lowered his voice, "Step out of your lane one more time, and you'll be punished. Got it?"

There was a barely perceptible tick in Aiden's jaw when he answered, "Yes Sir." Price turned away on his heel, and strolled past me, lingering only long enough to finger my hair thoughtfully. I trembled and fought the urge to sob. I hated his touch--I didn't want him anywhere near me.

".Too bad I'm not in that line of business anymore," he murmured, letting my curls fall from his fingers, "You would have been a good slave." He paused and looked Aiden in the eyes.

"Kill her."

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