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Aiden didn't share a bed with me that night; he just set up a little pillow fort and slept with the quilt instead, and I couldn't help but be bothered by that.

Was he like, weirded out by my strange PMS induced confessions? Was he playing some kind of mature-man-mind-game? Or was he actually trying to respect my desire for personal space by sleeping on the floor? More importantly, why was I even stressing about something so stupid?

"Well, if it's any consolation, I find you attractive as well."

Oh right...he said that.

I quietly shifted to peer over my shoulder where Aiden lay snoring in the corner. Gosh he was gorgeous in a rugged, untamed, dangerous way. He had just the right amount of stubble on his chin that also framed his high cheek bones, and his soft pink lips were slightly parted in sleep. A loose curl hung over his brow and his arms were folded under his head, extenuating how muscular they really were.

I abandoned my creepy thoughts and decided to get a head start on the day. I slipped out of bed and tiptoed to the bathroom, closing the door gently behind me. I looked really good this morning--well, better than I have during this whole little 'escapade'. My hazel eyes were bright and round, and my skin looked new; like baby skin. My hair was shiny and fluffy and soft, and I couldn't help but smile at my reflection. I showered, brushed my teeth, then took my time on deciding which brand of tampon I should use; giggling to myself at the mental image of masculine Aiden scoring the women's isle. I even looked at the thongs he picked out, making sure that he was asleep and the door was closed. Under other circumstances, I would have felt ridiculously sexy in any of these pieces. I was still a virgin, so I was a little embarrassed and thrilled when I put on the lacey pink pair.

I somehow felt like I entered uncharted waters, and damn it, I felt naughty.

With a tiny secretive smile, I pulled on my jeggings and a yellow cotton tank top that made me look curvy and left the bathroom.

Aiden was awake and rubbing his eyes, and maybe it was the new thong that gave me a surge of confidence, but I blurted the most pressing thought on my mind.

"I'm sorry about last night. I was feeling weird and emotional--anyway, I don't want you to get the wrong idea."

He raised an eyebrow, "Well good morning to you too."

"I'm serious."

"What do you mean by 'wrong idea'?"

The power I inherited from having a piece of cloth wedged between my butt cheeks was slowly dwindling as I lowered my gaze to my feet, "I-I don't want you thinking I have a crush on you..." I mumbled. He took a step forward.

"What's so wrong about that?" I could feel his amused stare.

"I don't want you--"

"So you don't think I'm sexy?" He took another step forward, and I matched it by taking one back.


"And you don't like my muscles?" Another step. "And you don't hate me?" My back bumped into the wall, and I breathed shakily through my mouth.

He was so close. So close. So close. So close.

"Am I not a super hero to you?" he rumbled, and I found it hard to swallow.


"Because I don't think there's anything wrong with what you said last night. In fact, I'm actually glad you feel that way." He breathed, caging me between the wall and his bronzed  arms. I was drowning in the golden pools that were his eyes. I was suffocating in his bodily scent. I found myself leaning into him, wanting to just fall in and never come back.

"B-but you're 23..." I tried to reason, but I knew it sounded weak. He only shrugged and a sly smile graced his lips; lips that I wanted to kiss for real this time.

Blinking hard, I severed the link and ducked under his arm; turning red all the way to the tips of my ears as his deep laughter seemed to crowd the room. I busied myself with gathering our things together, my heart crashing in my ribs like a wild animal.

What was happening to me?

"Oh, and Shahana?"


"Pink looks good on you." My mouth dropped open as I gaped at him like a dying fish while Aiden only winked and closed the bathroom door.


      We covered a lot of ground, and I had to say that Colorado was a beautiful place. Very lush--the type of place that had all 4 seasons because it was obvious it was summer. Looking around, I noticed with a pang that it was going to be the 4th of July soon. People were setting up their banners and decorative mini windmills on their front lawns, and it lowered my spirits to know that I wasn't going to see my family or friends this holiday.

Sadness and disappointment took turns kicking my heart.

My shoulders slumped, and I leaned heavily against the window to mentally torture myself with the sour truth. I sighed forlornly and actually hated the children that were with their parents; as if they were laughing extra loud and showing off their big smiles just to mock me.

I glanced sideways at Aiden, who was drumming his fingers on the steering wheel and pursing his lips like he had something on his mind. I idly wondered what it was. Maybe he was thinking about what kind of car we needed next, or maybe he was thinking about the safe haven, or maybe he was thinking about sex, since it was scientifically proven that men think about sex like, 80 percent of the time or something.

Was he thinking about sex with me? He did say that he thought I was attractive. He also said that he liked that I felt all those weird things about him. And was that sexual tension I sensed earlier in our room? I snuck another peek at him and he smiled at me. I returned it quickly and glanced away as if he could read my mind.

Why was I even thinking about this? He flirted with the receptionists all the time. Maybe he was flirting with me since its been a slow few days. Yes, that had to be it. He was just getting me all flustered because he was bored. And all the things I said before could just be because we've been spending a lot of time together and he's protected me a few times--also throw in that he had the body of a god and a voice that made my spine tingle in all sorts of feel-good ways. Maybe I was focusing on all my curious sexual frustrations to block out the trauma of past events. That seemed very plausible.

And he was about 4 years older than me since I was turning 19 this year. Was that weird? It was weird that I was even teasing the idea of this.

I needed to get over myself and focus my thoughts on more important things, like my safety or something. Periods just made everything harder! I was a girlish wreck of emotions and urges. I resolved to give myself this week to worry about all my petty problems I seemed so good at distracting myself with, and once this bitch who goes by the name Menstrual Cycle was over, so were my superficial fussings.

And if Aiden was going to act like this morning never happened (which I was thankful and offended by) then so be it. 2 could play at that game. So like the mature and in control grown-up that I am, I eloquently ignored him just the same.

I hate myself for being such an awkward waste of time. 


Hey guys, so sorry that this chapter was a little weird and irrelevant. I'm working on building their strange relationship, but I'm struggling with like...Character development. I really don't feel like researching how all the under cover government shit goes down until I get enough readers . Anyway, this is what falls out of my butt when I'm loopy with Benedryl.... my bad! Vote and Comment!!   

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