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"Wanna play a game?"

I looked up, blinking twice at Aiden. We were stuck in traffic because some goats got out and the police were trying to round them all up. I think a car accident happened too, but I wasn't so sure.

"What kind of game?"

Aiden seemed to think about it for a second, and I could almost hear the lightbulb go off inside his head.  

"How about Truths?"

"What's that?"

"I guess something about you, and you answer it truthfully, then guess something about me. And, we're not allowed to pass a question."

"So you mean we're talking."

"Yeah." He smiled, "but you can't not answer a question."

I sighed and turned my body towards him, staring at him expectantly. I'll admit: I was a little curious as to what he wanted to know about me, but I also had my fair share of questions too. It also occurred to me that we haven't actually talked this entire trip; besides arguing, a cordial conversation never really came up.

"Alright, I'll go first. Is your favorite color yellow?"

That was weak, but I guess he was starting off easy for my sake. 

"Nope. It's actually red."  

He nodded thoughtfully then looked me up and down.

"Didn't I buy you a red bra?"

"Okay! It's my turn!" I cleared my throat loudly and he chuckled, "Are you really 23?"

"Yes. Would you like to see my ID?" He answered sarcastically and I bristled. "Are you really 18?" He mocked.

"Yes. Are you 6'3"?"

"Close. I'm 6'2". I think my hair makes me look a bit taller." I reached over and pressed his messy waves down. Yep, they really did give him a bit more height and I laughed. He swatted my hand away.

"Have you had your first kiss?"

I startled at his question. "I thought we were supposed to guess?" I hedged nervously .

Aiden shrugged, "Yeah, but now I'm feeling nosy."

"Why do you want to know?"

"Why can't I know?" He challenged with mischief in his eyes. I drew my shoulders back and set my jaw.  

If he was gonna play games, then fine; I'd play.

"Yes." I lied confidently, and I noticed with a shiver of excitement that his eyes darkened. Did he not want me to have had my first kiss? And if so, why?

Since it seemed like we were gearing towards personal questions, I dug around for one of my own.

"Have you killed someone?"

"Yes." He answered blankly, his eyes taking in every inch of my face for a negative reaction. But the only thing I felt was a morbid rush of excitement and yearning. I felt like it was forbidden to be flirting with danger, but I loved it. I loved it so much in fact, that warmth pooled in my stomach and made my heart trip.

This was probably my 'bad boy' phase.

A few beats of silence passed of us just staring at each other.  

"Your turn." I encouraged, my voice sounding breathy and completely unlike me.  

Aiden's eyes seemed to heat up as he locked gazes with me, and all of a sudden, I felt like shit was about to get real.

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