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The world has stopped. It's stopped to let Price's command sink in. It's stopped to let fear fizz in my blood. It's stopped to let all my dreams and memories fast forward through my mind, because I; Shahana Noles was going to die.

My lungs dispelled all oxygen, and I fought to swallow past the lump growing in my throat. I struggled to keep my stubborn tears from slipping past my eyelids as I squeezed them shut.

I don't want to see what happens next.

I don't want to feel what happens next.

I want to disappear.

I couldn't die in the middle of nowhere, all alone, for reasons that weren't my fault. I wanted to scream and run.

I would scream and run. I'd die fighting if I was to die anyway.

Before I could shove my way through my captors barricade and sprint with all I had, Aiden's sure hand clamped on my upper arm as if he could read my mind.

"Let's go." He barked, and I yanked as hard as I could, only to practically dislocate my shoulder. I cried and screamed and begged as we left the tent alone. Criminals watched us for a moment while I made a scene, and Aiden swatted me over the head none too gently and ordered me to shut up. I dug my heels into the red dirt and struggled until we were behind a hulking rock. He shook me hard--startling me into silence.

"Shut up! I'm getting you out of here." He hissed, glancing around for any onlookers. I stared at him; shocked at his words. Was what he said true?

"I need you to calm down for me. Can you do that?" His golden eyes bored into my own until I hesitantly nodded. "I'm going to get us a car, but right now, you need to cooperate with me. I'll explain more once we're safe, but just trust me for now." He glanced around again, before pulling a gun out of his waist band.

I almost shrieked, earning myself a harsh shushing as he pulled me behind him.

Could I trust him? He punched me in the face, kidnapped me, and now he was supposed to kill me.

But he wasn't, a small voice in my head interjected. He's not doing it.

I quickly rifled through my other options of avoiding death and found none as good as this one. I didn't want to trust this criminal, but it was better than getting a bullet in my head.

So here I was; crouched amongst the red desert rocks with the stranger that ruined my life, attempting to escape Price's camp grounds.

Aiden had shot a bullet not too long ago to signify that the 'deed' was done, so no one was looking for us. I guess they assumed he was disposing of my body. There was a dusty old 2004 jeep sitting no more than 100 meters away. He said that was our ticket out of here. I let him toss me over his shoulder and tried my best to appear dead; letting my wild black curls fall over my face so they wouldn't question the lack of blood. Aiden dumped me in the back trunk, and the subtle rocking of the vehicle let me know that he got in.

"I'm taking the body out of our borders so it won't be found." I heard him say to another man as he started the engine. The jeep lurched forward, and we were on our way.

We really did it.

Now time for my own escape plan.

I discovered a crowbar forgotten in the back seat and gripped the metal with shaking hands. We've driven far enough that the camp was a speck in the distance. It was now or never.

I could do this. I could do this. I could do this...!

Springing into action, I swung my weapon at Aiden's ruffled black head with all my might. A dull clang sounded, and I held my breath for the results.

"What the fuck?!" He swore, veering off to the left then stopping the car.

I panicked, so I hit him again.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" He bellowed, trying to wrestle the crowbar out of my hands as I wielded it like a mad woman; hitting whatever I could.

Damn they make it look so easy in the movies!

Before I could land another rusty blow, Aiden batted it out of my inexperienced hands and pinned me to the read rest.

"I saved your life!"

"You punched me in the face!"

"It was necessary!"

I squirmed and spit at him. He bopped me on the head.

"See!!? Again! You did it again!" I accused, resisting him harder.

" You just spat your nasty germs in my face! After I saved your life! Twice!"

"You ruined it!" I cried, finally giving into the tears, "you ruined everything!"

Aiden stopped trying to restrain me and sat back, watching me with those infuriatingly beautiful eyes. He let me cry and paw at him in frustration; patiently waiting for my tantrum to end. I cried and cried and cried and cried.

After what seemed like forever, the tears stopped and I only sniffled softly.

He was quiet while I wiped my eyes and nose on my black tank--leaving glistening streaks of snot in my wake.

How attractive.

"I'm sorry for punching you in the face." He said after a minute.

I said nothing

"Look, we need to get back to the place we kept you before so I can get some supplies. I have maybe 3 hours before they realize something's up, and you've already wasted a good 45 minutes of it. I'll get us somewhere safe, and we'll talk about this," he gestured around himself, "later. Just please try not to beat me with anything again."

I cracked a smile at that.

"Okay." I agreed softly.

We both climbed into the front seat and continued on our journey. I stuck with silence while he drove and waited patiently when he rushed in to the pathetic looking shack of a house to gather whatever "supplies" he needed.

Aiden threw a black duffle bag in the back seat, and I peeked inside.

Guns. Guns. Guns. Guns.

My stomach clenched.

"We'll need those." Aiden murmured, glancing at me. I only nodded and shrank back into my seat.

We drove for hours, and paranoia of getting caught had me checking all the mirrors every few minutes.

Were we being followed?

Did they know we made a run for it?

Were we safe?

I wrung my hands together in my lap anxiously.

The sun was setting; making the sky orange and purple. It achingly reminded me of home. At some point we went from driving on raw terrain to pavement, which meant we were closer to civilization.

Civilization meant transportation and means of communication. I'd play along with Aiden for now, but once I saw an opening, I was going to make a break for it.

I'd get on a bus, and go home-- wait, where were we?

"Where are we?" I blurted, and noticed that he seemed to startle at my question.

"Arizona." He answered.

Sooo that meant I'd have to take a lot of buses to get home.

Arizona? But how...?

"How hard did you hit me in the face to knock me out for a 20 hour car ride to Arizona?!" I shrieked.

Aiden flushed and twisted his hands nervously around the wheel, " I'm sorry. I just didn't want them to shoot you. I was thinking on my feet."

I glowered at his profile and furtively touched me face.

Still sore.

Ass hole.

I was escaping as soon as I could.

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