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It was hard to run with a gun shoved down my pants, but I managed to awkwardly hobble down the stairs, through the lobby, and burst through the front doors in a handful of minutes.

I probably looked like a gimped horse lurching down the open stretch of road, but I didn't care--a bus stop had to show up at some point!

It was already hot, and the sun was rising, and I hadn't even covered much ground when I heard my name being called.

Shit! Shit shit shit shit!!

I spared a glance over my shoulder and saw Aiden; in his bare chested glory, hurdling towards me at shocking speed.

"STOP. RIGHT. NOW!" He ground out, and I pulled the gun from my crotch to run faster.

The chase was on: I had a good head start on him, but he was faster. Much, much faster. My lungs labored to fuel my legs and I panicked when I could hear his harsh breathing close behind me.

No no no no!

"Stop!" He yelled and launched himself at me, knocking us both to the dusty ground. I landed on my stomach with a shriek and pulled the trigger of the gun franticly.

Nothing happened.

What the fuck?!

I hit him with the defective weapon instead; screaming and cursing him at the top of my lungs. He twisted my wrist so I'd let go of the gun, and replaced his hand with something cold.

"What kind of cop ARE you?!" I yelled, reeling at the hand cuffs that were clamped on me.

"The best kind!" He shouted right back in my face. He yanked me up with him, and picked up the gun, "and if you're going to shoot someone, make sure the safety is off, genus."

"Sorry I'm not savvy in the art of killing like you!" I snapped, shaking my cuffed hands in frustration. He ignored me, and practically carried me back to the motel. When we entered the glass doors, the receptionist gaped at us with eyes the size of saucers.

"It's alright. We like to play in the mornings." He reassured her, and kissed me on the cheek for extra effect. The lady blushed and I cringed.

I tried to bite him, but I was held too close to his side to do it.

"We'll be checking out soon." He said and pushed me up the stairs.

Once we were in our room, he turned his blazing golden eyes to me.

"What the hell was that?!"

"Plan B." I sneered, watching him rake his hands over his face.

"Are you trying to get killed?!"

"No. I'm trying to get away from you!"

"I saved you!" He shouted, and then took a deep breath to calm himself. I glared all the while, fidgeting in my cuffs. "We're traveling the hard way now." He sighed, sounding resigned.

Apparently, the 'hard way' consisted of me being handcuffed and forced in the back seat of a mini van he stole, under the heavy bag of guns.

It felt like the demented version of a Time-Out.

Our first stop was at a convenience store for bathroom breaks and food. I planned to escape in the bathroom, but Aiden followed me in. I was furious.

"Can I please, have some privacy?!" I complained. For now, I was free of handcuffs, but not Aiden's incessant company.

"Are you going to pee or not?" He asked, his voice blank. I really did have to go, so after demanding that turn around and plug his ears, I reluctantly went. I washed my hands quickly, and followed him out. Once back in the car, Aiden surprised me with a sweater and tights.

"I thought you might need these." He said, avoiding my eyes. I gently took them from him. It was a light weight green sweater with the Grand Canyon on the front. The tights were more like the cheap jeggings you can buy in a packet.

It was.... Sweet.

"Thank you." I said, offering him a genuine smile. He made eye contact with me for only a moment and grunted "sure." Before starting the engine up again.

I changed in the back seat, and once I was done, Aiden handcuffed me again--this time behind my back, and we rode in silence. The new clothes felt good, and even though I was bound, I felt comfortable enough to fall asleep.

So that's what I did.

I drifted off to the sound of the engine, public radio, and Aiden drumming his fingers on the steering wheel as we merged with traffic on the highway.

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