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Aiden and I scored ourselves a rusty Toyota pick-up truck just a few miles down from the barn I experienced my first kiss. I'll admit that I was a little reluctant to leave since it held such a fond memory. Now we were traveling once again and he said that we'd be crossing over into Nevada in a day tops if we didn't stop again. We needed more food, and I was hoping I'd be able to stop at a gas station or something soon so I could indulge in a military bath.

I tried my best to ignore the anxiety I felt over Aiden's subtle rejection. I know it's not priority, and I probably shouldn't be worried over something so completely stupid in comparison to everything else that was going on, but I couldn't help but be moved by Aiden's confessions and his kisses whenever they weaseled their way into my thoughts.

I liked him.

I hated that he was acting like nothing happened, and I hated that I cared too much. He said we shouldn't get too wrapped up in this because these weren't "normal" circumstances--and I understood that--but did that really mean that he couldn't at least treat me like I was more than his friend? I mean, come on! There he sat, chatting about some singer on the radio that I couldn't care less about, eating chips without a care in the world! Would it really kill him to hold my hand?

Bull shit.

Guys are dumb, and the fact that he was low-key ignoring me made me want to strangle him with my possibly broken hand.

I thought it was weird that Elarick, Seth, or Rome never seemed to show up again after they discovered that I was still alive and Aiden had gone rogue. It didn't sit well in my gut, and I had a sinking feeling that our fairly good luck was just about to run out. As if Aiden was reading my mind, he spoke up about similar concerns.

"I think we've been too lax lately. We've let our guard down, and I've worked with these guys long enough to know that they're ruthless and they get the job done. They're letting us run right now."

"But I thought we lost them in New Mexico?"

"Elarick is a fantastic tracker. I'm sure he's found some way to locate us. I'm only one man with limited recourses and you're only following me. We're an easy target to catch..." he said grimly. I thinned my lips thoughtfully and considered everything Aiden has said. I haven't noticed anyone following us in a car and our throats haven't been slashed in our sleep, so what could they possibly be planning? Were they just toying with us? Did Price decide to let us be?

"I was thinking... maybe I should teach you how to shoot a gun."

"What?" I gasped. I've always wondered how shooting a gun would be like, but I never actually thought of going through with lessons. I also felt super important and awesome like I belonged in some kind of action movie now that I've been through so much. Maybe I should write a book.

"Yeah. I think something big is coming--I can feel it. So its better to be safe. I hope this doesn't worry you; I don't think we're in any immediate danger, but--"

"No no! It's fine! I'm actually kind of excited." I put my fingers together like a gun and pretended to aim outside the window, "How soon can we start?" Aiden smiled, keeping his eyes on the road and reached blindly to squeeze my thigh.

"Thank you."

"F-for what?" I stammered.

"For handling everything so well. For being positive even though we might be in danger."  he clarified, giving me another affectionate squeeze that made my skin warm. I stared down at his hand and smiled to myself. How could I not feel safe around him? How could I not feel happy underneath all the bad that might be coming our way? I was with Aiden; capable trustworthy Aiden, and I've never felt like I could need more protection.

"Alright, you have to squeeze the trigger, not pull it. And keep your arm ready for recoil." Aiden instructed, guiding my arm and checking my stance from behind. I was so excited and nervous. "It helps to take a deep breath too--especially for beginners." he added. I calmed myself like he suggested and focused on our target; a plank of wood with a frowny face carved into it (courtesy of Aiden) and fired. 

The adrenaline that whizzed in my nerves made me smile when the bullet hit the target. My arm kind of hurt from the back lash, and the sound left my ears ringing, but that didn't stop me from doing a victory dance and throwing my arms around Aiden's neck.

"I did it! I shot the target!"

"The safety! Don't forget the safety!"

"Oh. Sorry." I paused to turn it back on the way he demonstrated before then continued to hug him. Aiden chuckled and returned my embrace.  "I want to shoot more things."

"Go ahead. Just be careful and make it quick. We don't have much time--we really need to get into Nebraska." He said, releasing me to wreak havoc on my wooden victim. I shot it a few more times (missing twice) and then clicked on the safety to put it back in the bag with the rest of the more menacing guns.   I wondered if he'd ever teach me how to shoot one of those. I also wondered if I'd be able to shoot a real person. Things changed once it became about life and death. I'd like to believe that I'd be able to end someone's life to save my own, but honestly, I didn't think that I had the lady balls to do it.

Could you kill for Aiden?

Hell no! I only liked him a lot! We weren't in love. I didn't know him well enough to murder someone for him. I could only kill for my parents and maybe maim someone for Sage. That's how far my loyalties went. But I'd try my best to help Aiden--though he probably wouldn't need it. Why was I jumping too far ahead of myself anyway? There was no guarantee that I'd have to actually use my newly acquired skills. I was getting far too excited.

Aiden and I made it to  Nebraska that evening without any hindrances in our travels. It looked just like Colorado--I guess the states didn't differ that much from each other.

He looked tired; slumped at the wheel and his eyes dull. I yawned, trying to share the burden of staying awake, but unsure as to how long I'd last. I could see he was nodding off and I pinched his arm.

"Maybe we could sleep in the car?" I whispered, and he shook his head.

"We need to cover more ground, Shahana. We need to make it to Illinois as soon as we can." He yawned loudly and blinked hard as if that'd perk him up, "You should get some rest though."

"Maybe I should drive--"

"No. I got it."

I lapsed into silence. Would he really be ok? I was tired, so I knew he had to be beyond exhausted. This probably wasn't a good idea, but he was an adult, and I guess he knows what his limits are, so it's not my place to tell him what to do. Even still, I stayed up to make sure I could pinch him if he was dozing off.

The world was flipping and tumbling and crashing in loud colors and sounds. I couldn't see, and I couldn't scream since my body was thrashing. All at once, the world stopped spinning, and I had a chance to regain my bearings. I must have fallen asleep while he was driving, and the blood rushing to my head indicated that I was upside down. I slowly turned to see if Aiden was in the driver's seat, but that side was crushed. 

My heart stopped and I started to scream.

Where was he? Did he die? Did he somehow get out? Was he smashed right next to me and I just couldn't see? Someone help me! 

"Aiden! Aiden!" I yelled, my voice hoarse and blood from some unknown cut ran into my eyes, "Someone!? Anyone!?" I cried, struggling where I was bound to my chair. Claustrophobia set in and I was sobbing and screaming hysterically for my freedom and to know if Aiden was alive or not. I'm sure I had broken bones: the sharp pains said so.

"Someone...help!" I sobbed again, then gasped when I saw footsteps approaching through my broken window. "Aiden?" I whispered, relief surging through me. Everything would be okay now. The boots stopped and then I heard him crouch, "Oh Aiden, thank God--"

"Are you alright, sweet heart?"

My world stopped, and my throat seized shut with shock.


Elarick smiled, "Lets  get you out, shall we?"          

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