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Shahana's P.O.V


It reminded me that I was still alive--that I could still feel, and that I was still trapped.

I hated all of them. I hated Elarick for shooting me, I hated Rome for bringing me into this place, and I hated Seth. He was the one who beat me. He was always there even when I couldn't see him.

There was still no Aiden, and I couldn't recall how long I've been here. I feared for my life, I missed my family, and I wondered if the emptiness I felt was my spirit breaking. 

Tears were something I've ran out of a while ago, and they refused to come even as my prison door opened and closed; the signal that Seth was back.

"Are you awake, love?" Elarick. His boot nudged my side where I lay defeated on the floor.

I stayed silent. My jaw was broken.

"Seth tells me that you aren't cooperating. Is that true?" He chided, like I was some sort of child who did something wrong.

Fuck you. I wanted to scream, Fuck ALL of you!

Elarick sighed and grabbed my bullet wound, rolling me over onto my back. I refused to look at him, so I stared with comatose eyes at the grungy ceiling.

"I was told to... motivate you into talking. But I have other methods." He purred, trailing a finger down between my breasts. My spine went rigid as ice cold dread doused my senses. I struggled to appear unfazed, but in all honesty, I was terrified.

Please don't touch me.

"You're going to tell me everything." Elarick whispered, his wandering finger hooking into my pants. "Or, I could do some things to you that you can't erase from your body with time."

I tried to speak--anything to stall for time. I'd rather Seth come back and kick me in the face. When I worked to move my broken jaw, blood pooled into my mouth and choked me. Elarick wiped away some of the blood that bubbled out of my lips with his thumb and pressed a kiss to my swollen cheek.

It seared my flesh with an awful surge of repulsion.

"I'm only going to work my way down. Starting from your pretty little face," He caged me under his lithe body, " all the way to here." His horrible hand rubbed against my crotch and I squirmed away with all I had, ignoring my fractured bones when they screamed in protest.

"Go ahead; resist me Love. It only makes it more fun.


Aiden's P.O.V

"This is it? This is where I'll find her?" I asked again, incredulously eyeing the run down building.

"Yes. Just be careful. This is as far as I go." Rome said, already walking back to his car.

"Thank you." I held eye contact with the man until he nodded and ducked into the vehicle. I turned to face the termite infested door and quietly pushed it open. I crouched, holding my weapon ready and crept forward.

All was quiet, and I was wary of that until I heard a muffled cry.

Shahanna. It had to be her.

All stealthiness abandoned, I ran towards the sound; My gun raised and ready to pull the trigger.

Please be alive. Please be alive. Please be alive. Please be alive.


Shahana's P.O.V

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