Chapter Seven

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Five Months Later

Paul's POV

I watched Cherry spin around as the leaves fell all around her. Orange, green red, and yellow gleemed around her. She was smiling and laughing. In her arms was a child, but not ours. Sofia had surprised us all with suddenly announcing she was pregnant and was already very far along. But now the child looked to be a few years old, but that was only because werewolves grow fast.

Corria was a healthy growing little girl. Cherry, being a female who wasn't needed very often in pack duties, opted to watch Corria when Sofia and Stefan asked. I gave my word to keep an eye on both of them.

The baby grunted and tugged at Cherry's hair. She was hungry.

"Alright, come on-"

"Cherry!" Sofia's voice echoed from the house behind us.

"Back here!" I called back. Cherry walked up to me, still grinning.

"Oh, hey!" Sofia took her child. She cooed at Corria, thanked us, and walked away. I chuckled. That's how it always was. Once Sofia was out of sight, Cherry sighed.

"What?" I asked, wrapping my arm around her waist.

"Is that all our lives are going to lead out to be?" she asked softly. "Baby sitting for others?" This time I sighed. Of course she would think that way.

"I don't know, Babe. My family is out trying to keep tabs on yours, and-" Cherry snarled and tore away from me.

"I want to help! Not sit around and sit here, doing nothing!" I sat down on the top step of the porch. She began pacing around. "Why won't they let me help?! I'm more useful then most think!" I stood up and pushed her up against the wall, pinning her there.

"Now you listen here!" I snarled, making her very silent. "My parents have yet to ask for your help because they are proud people! Do not disrespect them!" Tears formed in her eyes, and I instantly felt bad.

"I... I never meant anything bad," she whispered, not meeting my eyes, "I am sorry." I gripped her chin lightly in my fingers, making her look at me. Something was forming behind her eyes, and then her scent hit me.

"Cherry, you're going into heat again." She nodded.

"Yeah, I figured it was going to happen again sometime soon," she murmured. I took a deep breath, and almost regreted it. Her scent filled my lungs, making me needy instantly. I leaned down and kissed along her neck.

Cherry's back arched up against me as she bit her lip.

'Mark her!' my inner wolf hissed. She and I hadn't decided on weather or not to truly mate with my mark yet.

"Cherry," I breathed, my breath fanning her face, "please let me mark you." She slowly sank down and I went with her.

"Do it, Paul," she said, almost begging. "Now!" I leaned down and licked the nape of her neck where her shoulder and neck connected. She moaned very softly. I bit down, hard at first, but then I saw that the pain was going away.

I pulled back and licked the bite, sealing away my mark. I leaned in again, and kissed it.

Arms from behind suddenly gripped me, throwing me off of Cherry. An older looking man stood between me and her. He resembled her very much... oh shit. That was her father... the leader of the Blood Pack!

"How dare you!" he snarled. "She's my daughter!" Behind him a man knelt next to Cherry. Her eyes looked at me, full of lust. He touched her shoulder, and she flinched. When she gazed up at him, her eyes were filled with disgust.

"Look!" I knew that man. Shay, the Blood Pack Beta. He yanked her shirt, revieling my mark. "He marked her!" He growled at me, then her. "No matter. I can smell your heat, female, and soon you'll be begging for me."

"No!" I stood and lept forwards. Something connected with my face, and everything went black.


Cherry's POV

Pain coursed through my whole body. It had been a full 24 hours since we had been taken, and I had not seen Paul yet.

"Where... is... Paul?" I managed. Shay looked over at me. He sat on the far edge of his bed in his boxers, waiting for me. I was curled up in a ball on bed farthest from him. I had stayed like that from the moment we arrived.

"He's most likely dead," my heart began to crack, "no werewolf can survive your father's torcher." Tears ran down my face. No, he couldn't be dead... I would feel it! We were connected through his mark!

'Calm down,' my inner wolf whispered, 'you would feel if he died, you're right about that!'

'But why can't I feel him at all?' I asked. 'I thought once the mark was done, you would always feel your mate?'

'What Shay says is mostly true then.' Fear run through me again. 'He is probably close to death.'

"So," Shay murmured, "care for me to take your pain away? Come on, sexy, let's go this already. I know you can bare pups, and now you must bare mine." He began crawling across the bed towards me. I whimpered. He chuckled.

As his skin touched mine, I was discusted with my self. I would reather kill myself than let him invade me. As he ran his hands up my arms, I pulled my inner wolf as far from the back of my mind as I could.

'Please, can you think past this heat?' I asked, pleading.

'Yes, I can.'

'Then do what you used to when I was little! Take over my wolf body, make me shift and help save our mate!' I gave everything to her as she took over.


Paul's POV

I herd the TINKing sound as my blood dripped to the floor. My body was beyound pain. I could barely even feel my inner wolf. We were close to death, I knew that. Sounds of a struggle sounded above me, but I didn't have the strangth to look up through the floor boards.

A growl echoed through the basement I was in.

'M..a...t..e,' my inner wolf whispered, his voice almost silent. A scent hit me. I knew that scent... but how? 'Ma...' he tried to say, but couldn't. Suddenly the growl was closer, and he lept to the front of my mind. 'MATE!!!'

(this is now in third person... for now)

Both wolves faced each other. They knew the other instantly. This type of thing rarely happened. Inner wolves were never released, but there were. His and hers. With a simple touch of the nose, they knew they were soon to be safe.

Turning for the door, they ran, never leaving each other's side. Fighting side by side, it was like the two wolves were unstoppable. In truth, all they wanted was each other safe. And as they faught their way home, they had hope that they would find safety.


sorry for the late update, and hope you enjoyed everything.

listen, i need like three comments before I'll post the next chapter. I hardly ever get comments, so im never sure if all you eaders like what im writing.

so, please give me at lease three comments! *though more would also be awesome* XP

loves, peeps!


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