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Tears flood my eyes as I look in despair at the remains of the cafe I use to love.

Parts of the structural beams that used to hold up all the walls, the blackened tables and chairs arranged throughout the room and piles of ash is all that remains of the only place I felt safe in.

Memories flash in my mind of all the times I would come here to avoid home. All the times I sat in the corner of the cafe, finally being able to relax. Gone. Because of my parents.

I turn to Mr. Davison, the store owner.
"I'm so sorry this happened." I look up at his grieving face. "It's all-" I pause, trying to hold in the tears "this is my fault," I whisper.

Mr. Davison looks at me with pity. "It wasn't your fault Abigail. Don't worry."

I walk towards him and hug him, finally letting the tears spill. He strokes my hair. "I'll be okay love. I'm staying in an apartment with the wife."

This only makes me cry harder, remembering that this is were Mr. Davison lived as well. Bringing my arms back to my side, I check the time on my watch.

"Mr. Davison, I really am sorry, but my 'parents' want me home before 7. I don't exactly remember what they said would happen if I wasn't, but I remember feeling uneasy when they told me."

"That's okay Abbi. You head on home."

"Okay." I say, my shoes crunching on the gravel as is walk away. I turn and wave to Mr. Davison.

"Bye!" I call.

"Bye Abbi!" He says.

I continue to make my way home, the daylight slowly fading below the horizon. It casts a yellow glow on the town, and even though most if the buildings are probably a hundred years old, the soft lighting makes it look just a little but better.

I really don't want to go home, but I have to. If I don't, my 'parents' will hunt me down, and that is something I do not want to happen.

After turning corners and squeezing through alleyways, I arrive home.

I look up at the crooked wooden planks that make up the walls, the tiny glass window on the 2nd floor that provides the only light in the house and sigh before opening the front door.

There my 'parents' are, seated at the small dining table and staring at me.

"Have a seat darling," Fiona says, smiling a little too brightly.

"Um...no thanks," I say, already rushing to the stairs.

"Not so fast," Tyler says firmly. I slowly walk back to the table, nervous.

"Your home late." Fiona says firmly.

"I'm home late? Seriously? You burnt down my favourite place to be, and your worried about me being home late? I can't believe you guys."

"Abigail, you do not use that tone with me." Tyler says angrily.

"I'm not using any tone. Are we going to talk about the fact that you single handedly fucking burned down a cafe or not?" I look at my 'parents', waiting for a reply.

"We did what was right." Fiona says bluntly.

"You did what was right?! People could have died!" I yell.

"You were spending to much time there."

"Oh, okay, so am I supposed to spend every second of everyday here? What about when I get my soulmate?!" I yell.

"You don't have a soulmate Abbi, we've been over this."

And that's when I snapped.

"Abbi? ABBI? You think you can just nickname me like were friends?! I can't fucking live here anymore if it's going to be like this. And if I don't have a soulmate, why the fuck do I have a locket?"

"Abigail you listen to me," my 'dad' stands up and walks toward me. "One more word and you'll regret it."

I look him in the eye with not nearly half the hatred I feel towards him. My stomach burns and I feel hot. I don't dare speak though. I know what will happen if I do.

"That's what I thought. Now go to your room." Tyler gives me a rough shove an I stumble towards the stairs. I race up them without hesitation and run to my bedroom, slamming my door behind me.

I sit, leaning against the door, hugging my knees and staring at the wall. A tear slides down my face as I try to be as quiet as I can.

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