Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

I sat on the steps of the plane’s exit stairs, combing my hands through Emma’s hair as she slept, head propped on my chest.

The ambulance was screeching onto the highway now, its sirens only audible to my ears. I stared down at the wet tarmac, where Jaden was pacing, creating puddles under his shoes. The rain has come and gone and it left an atmosphere of gloom that foreboded the event before.

It was a miracle that I had just enough flying experience to land the rather huge Learjet. That last 20 minutes of the flight was not a pleasant one. Apparently the pilot had suffered a sudden stroke and died on the spot. It really took me a lot of self-control to not snap and suck him dry as the blood flowed from the various cuts on his body with his skin getting in contact with the rather pointed instrument panel.

To think I was disturbed, it literally scared the living hell out of Emma. To see her in tears and shaking as I taxied the plane to a safe area made my non-beating heart groan in agony.

I was so preoccupied with my thoughts that I didn’t even notice a black Hummer approach the plane. As soon, as it stopped, I looked up and saw a rather petite figure approaching me. Even under the dim shade that covered the sun, the man that stood before me was nothing short of a beaming source of happiness. My uncle, my HUMAN uncle, Chester Foreistier.

“The Royal Bloke has returned.” He said in a strong British accent which he is before he moved to Rome. All I wanted to do was to get up and embrace him but seeing as Emma was occupying my body, I just stood and gave him the brightest of smiles.

“So he has,” I replied, chucking as he threw a slight hug at me, careful to avoid Emma. I almost forgot Jaden’s presence until Chester turned and greeted him too. I could see the shock on Jaden’s face when he discovered my uncle was a human, stuttering as he tried to introduce himself.

Since when my uncle was human, was a weird case indeed. He was one of the few whose vampiric genes did not trigger, leaving him to live a wonderful 42 years as a normal healthy human with a few exceptions, including heightened senses. In record, there were only 5 in the last century with the same cases as Chester, with him being the youngest amongst them. One of them, Xavier Valekov even died of old age, which literally turned the kingdom upside down, shocked to note the possibility of a born vampire gene never showing itself. However, I was rather jealous of Chester. He got the one thing I yearned for the most, to live my life and be a normal human being that actually grows old, and does not crave blood every second of the day.

“So this is Lee’s daughter eh? Quite the pretty one I say.” He said grinning. “Come, lets get you all into the car. You going to carry her, Dustin?”

I nodded. “Very well then, Jaden, come, we shall depart.” He slung one of his arms over Jaden’s shoulder and led him towards the Hummer. For me, I carried Emma with no effort at all, across the tarmac and into the car, carefully getting her safely into her seat. Getting in myself, I let her head fall on my chest once more, letting her continue her well deserved snooze.

Jaden was in the front seat with Chester who seem to be very fond of him, for some reason. The Hummer silently started itself up, and with a few keystrokes to the LCD screen on the dashboard, it pulled out with the slightest jolts and sped at high speeds towards and onto the highway. Soon, we were traveling in a blur with much faster sports cars zooming by missing us by inches.

“Bloody haggards.” Chester mumbled under his breath as a Porsche Vu passed us by, almost coming in contact with the side mirrors. Seconds later, he seemed to calm down, and was chatting away with Jaden. I shut out all my sense and gave myself the moment to rest; piloting a crippled jet was no little feat. My fangs were protruding for some reason, but the muscle cramps did not come, nor did the burning sensation on the tongue. It got a little annoying as the slightest movement, caused it to pierce my lips. I groan as my lower lip got a cut, which healed within seconds.

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