Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Whatever Code Phantom is, it most definitely did not engage.

The Rover’s wheel screeched to a halt, as it crossed the tarmac of the airbase. Everything looked in place except for the gigantic cargo jet that was missing.

“Are you sure they got the message?” Dustin asked from the backseat.

Liyana checked her Tricom and nodded silently, looking out the tinted window, looking rather worried. “They should’ve gotten everything set up. This channel is not susceptible to interruptions.”

My hands were still on the steering wheel, the gear shifted in drive, just in case. Of all the reckless driving I have done back in Washington, this is by far the wildest. Gerald, my best friend, a senior dropout owns a workshop and back in high school, we used to have illegal drag races that almost got me killed once when we decided to do it round Deadman’s hill. Well, isn’t this a great time for a flashback?

The two were talking about something I didn’t bother to catch when Dustin snapped up, eyes piercing the windshield, looking into the dark at something. The spotlights weren’t on but both of us could see pretty well. Even so, I saw nothing.

Dustin was still as a rock for a few more moments before untangling into a stream of blur. All I heard was a door open and close and he was gone. I looked at Liyana who looks equally frustrated. “Do you realize he just loves to leave us behind.”

“Tell me about it. I haven’t work with this man for two weeks and I feel like an intern already,” she grumbled.

“So are we going to play sitting duck or go out with him?” I asked a little too eager to see some action.

She saw that and laughed. “Seriously, you’ve just been a vampire for what? A week? And you’re okay with it?”

I shook my head. “One month. I’ve been like this for…one month.” I corrected, saying it more to myself. My gosh, had it really been a month already.

“Well, either way you seem to be taking it pretty well,” she said opening the passenger compartment drawer.

I just shrugged. “Hey, I was the constant hungover with a high grade point average. I even thought of doing drugs. The change actually straightened me up, I think. They threw me in a cage where I acted like a dog before a few days later when I could think rationally again. That’s kind of when the crying started. You would think of all the people, they would choose someone less broken than me.”

By the time I’ve done speaking, Liyana had a Mamba semi automatic, cocked and ready. She flung a hair out of my face and gave me a smile; “Guess they saw the stray puppy in you.”

I tried not to feel repulsed by it but Liyana saw it written all over my face and purposely pointed the business end my way. “You know that is a lethal weapon right?” I asked, my eyes sharp on the gunpoint.

She scoffed and kind of stretch out her fingers a little before she opened the passenger side door. Her eyes darted back and forth before moving out but I was pretty sure, Dustin is the only living thing out there.

“Em, do you have an extra one of those by any chance?” I asked

She just looked back at me through the open door with a stunned expression before rolling her eyes like I am a retarded child or something. “If you haven’t notice lately, Michael, you’re a vampire, who has near bulletproof skin. So, get your butt up and MOVE IT.”

How stupid of me to forget such an important information. Not.

Grunting, I shot open the driver’s side door and slid out, and rushed to Liyana’s side. That kind of made her jump, which satisfied me…a lot. She cursed something unintelligible under her breath and crossed the darken area, where the planes were usually parked. Somehow it felt isolated with only a lone Cessna Citation business jet parked by the hangar, which is right beside the makeshift control tower.

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