Chapter 35 - Dustin's Book

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Chapter 35 - Dustin's Book...

There she was in her usual trademark skinny jeans, faded Elvis tee and converse. Standing stiff with Rome’s autumn breeze caressing her hair in ways that made her look Grace Kelly perfect.

We said nothing, as our eyes met. There was this unspoken comfort just to be quiet for the sake of the moment. Her smile shone for my attention, revealing pronounce cheekbones that complimented her beauty.

As our palms met, the instant, gratifying and familiar warmth rushed through them in torrents that titans could only fathom. My whole body shook with so much emotion in that second, my fangs propelled out of my gums, jamming themselves behind my lower lip with my lower abdomen, which started to throb, painfully.

Our heads met, her warm breath lingering around my cheeks, making me blush for the first time in 2 months. She giggled, shaking her head as her fingers traced my cheek up and down. I couldn’t help but give her a stupid fanged smile.

“Welcome back.” Emma said before giving it to me, slamming her lips into mine. It was never meant to be a soft one and that’s how I liked it. I kissed her back, no permission needed, she let me in, savoring everything that is she. Her lips contoured into mine, symmetry matching each other’s like the universe meant for it to be so.

I wanted it to last longer, so bad, but both of us pulled out though, simultaneously, feeling the burden of stares on both our backs. I took one long look at the hazel eyed, black hair woman I came to love, before tearing away and shot a smile at the two figures that loomed behind.

“Dustin,” was all Chester said before giving me a tight hug. “We all missed you lad.”

I chuckled, “I’ve only gone for six weeks Chester,” patting his back before turning my attention to Jaden who stood with his hands in the pocket of his hoody.

“S’up.” I tried to play it cool but he gave me that trademark stare of his. Jaden is a weird creature that I can never ever figure out. Given he’s very rare for his kind, being a half sage and all but that’s not the point.

Just as surprising as it was, he stuck out his hand, waiting for a wave. I grabbed it and a surge of power, nothing that I’ve ever felt before came bolting into my body, almost making me collapse as my foot turned into jelly. “What the hell.” I muttered yanking my hands away.

“Miss you too,” he laughed, out loud, breaking his cold demeanor and ended up slapping me on the back. I couldn’t help but join in a bit, suppressing the cannibal instinct to rip his head off.

Emma and Chester came striding towards us, looking like the two disapproving parent figures they are.

“Looks like you two are getting along well.” Chester chuckled, “He’s been dying to pull that one on you for a long time. Ever since he gained his full power, terrible bloke he is.”

“I think Jaden missed you the most. He just couldn’t shut up about you,” she teased and he came after her.

After a session of dodge and miss, both of them settled down with Jaden blushing bright red. “In my defense, the demons came after the mental force field so I was having a hard time protecting these two. Could’ve used the help,” he mumbled.

I just sighed and patted him on the shoulder. “They came after me physically dude, no where as scary as what you’re used to.”

There was silence between the three of them as I realized the slip in my words, each exchanging shocked expressions, especially Emma who came forth and looked me sternly in the eyes. “Did they hurt you?” she asked checking around my body like a worried mother.

I steadied her and held her firm. “I’m alright, they didn’t hurt me.” I said, giving her a reassuring smile. “I’m sorry.” I closed my eyes in a sigh, letting her pull me into one of her comforting hugs.

“I thought you promised you won’t do something stupid,” she mumbled.

“Well, working for the government requires me to be stupid. Its part of the job description, remember?” I joked, making, even Jaden laugh.

In all the excitement and happiness of seeing each other again, I almost forgot about Michael, who must be really pissed, still waiting in the cabin. “Be back in a sec.” I whispered into her ear and rushed in a blur into the jet.

He was sitting there, with a sly smile on his face, fingers intertwined in a secret operative kind of manner. “I’ve been expecting you, Agent Dustin. Your mission, if you choose to accept it is to tell me who is that girl you just smooched.” He teased and broke into hysterical laughter as I glared at him.

“Are you done?” I growled slightly, feeling a little embarrassed.

When he remained laughing, I went towards and grabbed him by the collar and with all my might, threw him out of the jet. He flew several feet before clearing the landing on his foot, not much grace to it, as a vampire should.

“What the hell!” he growled as I exited the jet, fangs protruding, skin turning ceramic white with his eyes a ruby red.

“Calm down.” I said as I sauntered nearer to him. “We have company.”

It was then he realized, Emma and the crew standing there, staring at him wide eyed, each with the same expression of shock. Like a child found guilty, he was quick to retract everything and calm himself. “Sorry,” he mumbled, staring straight down at the tarmac.

“Guys, I want you to meet Michael.” I announced, turning him towards the three. He lifted his head, still at an angle, flashing a really shy smile. “He’s a converted vampire.”

“And you just need to tell the world,” he grumbled under his breath.

Chester was first to come forward, taking caution in his steps as he eyed Michael with a kind of fascination and focus that could send chills down one’s back. He didn’t say a word as he approached, still having that lab rat look on his face.

Michael looked at him then at me with a confused and rather frightened expression on his face. I stifled a chuckle and gestured for him to play along. He just looked so helpless.

Chester just pressed on, literally scanning Michael from head to toe. “You sure he a convert?”

“Why don’t you ask him yourself?”

Chester looked absolutely flabbergasted, “But, they’re not civil, now, aren’t they all?” he said. Michael, on the contrary looked rather amused.

“Emm…I’m standing right here,” he said, hand in a mock wave. Jaden broke down laughing together with Emma who just stood with her hands to her mouth, chocking back laughter of her own. Chester just stood, blushing red.

“Well, I must say I apologize. Guess I need to be less ahm…stereotypic.” Chester said, easing himself and patting Michael on the back before using his signature move of swooping one arm over his shoulder and navigating him towards the Rover. They talked in hushed tones, Chester no doubt asking questions.

Michael’s rare, I admit, really rare. Converted vampires normally don’t retain much of their humanity. The only thing they know of is killing and draining, even amongst themselves. Thus, the reasons why you don’t see them around a lot, most of them terminate each other within a week. They’re not by any means as strong, agile and fast as a born vampire but they can be killer machines if they wanted to.

“You bring back the nicest gifts.” Emma said in a mock sweet tone of hers, battering her eyes lashes while giving my arm a punch. I rolled my eyes and got her in a piggyback. She squealed but let me have her, as we started towards the car. Jaden just shook his head and mumbled something about how one vampire is trouble enough.

Emma was silent as we took the distant walk to the safety gate where the cars were parked. Her chin was settled on my head, breath coming in calm and serene.

“Dustin?” she called.


“Did you see…Brandon,” her voice cracked at the mention of his name.

“Yes.” I answered. “He tried to kill me.”

She stayed silent.

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