Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

“Dustin? As in Dustin Coper, one of the council’s descendants?” the man asked, voice astounded beyond belief. I hid within the shadows of the corridor that led to the unloading bay, waiting for Grace to introduce me to his ‘vampire’ husband.

From a distance, he sure looked the part, what with the stiff posture, pale skin and canines too sharp to be human. He was rather tall, lean with exceptionally broad shoulders. His eyes, a dark grey searched his wife for any sort of trickery but found none as he looked to where I was standing.

Getting the cue, I took a few steps forward, arm crossed on my chest. I gave him a loft sided smile and waved a finger. “Howdy.” The Texan accent was uncalled for.

For a second he seem to stare at me as if he’s just seen a mutated dog but recognition flickered his eyes a second later and froze. “Prince Aleric?” he managed to choke. I nodded my head, hiding my wince, as I haven’t heard anyone address me as such for a while.

“The one and only.” For a moment, my wrist felt like its being stared at with daggers. Sure enough, Grace and the shocked filled husband were staring at the fading tattoo on my arm of a wilting rose. I didn’t dare look at our family crest, too painful a memory.

“Gabriel, that means-“

“Our kingdom still stands,” Gabriel whispered to himself. I just stood there, rubbing my neck, taking in the awkwardness of the situation. I was young when vampire kind fell to its knees so I never got the hang of our politics. Even human politics are too confusing a matter to take in. I’ve decided to be neutral and uncaring about things. Just like the cannibal a year ago before I came to enslavement. Which didn’t turn out as planned, didn’t it?

I was abruptly shunned out of my thoughts when I felt someone pull me into an embrace. My whole body froze but relaxed when it was just Gabriel. The hug was quick and he pulled away, looking really embarrassed. If he was human, his face will be pretty red right now.

“I apologize, Prince Aleric,” he hastily bowed but that failed to conceal his excitement, for whatever reason. Grace just chuckled and hid her disbelief. This is turning out to be a really weird day.

I waved him off, “I go by Dustin now. I am in no position of power, given the situation.” I gave him a slight nod back but he just sighed in a hint of disappointment. “verità.” I continued. Verità meaning ‘truth’ is a straightforward way the council used to find out a vampire’s credentials. They believed the word held a mystical power that forces the truth out of someone, forged by our ancestors when they had an alliance with the sages but in modern times, it kind of wore off, but still, the sheer power when the word is commanded, still cripples the normal vampire’s will to lie. Especially when spoken by one of the blood descendants of the royals.

Right then, I could see Gabriel’s eyes whitening, his lips quivering with an expected fear that came to all vampires when they receive the command. “Gabriel Harper, born 1850, halt of age at 31, year 1881, bloodline include deceased parents, living single sister, born 1856, halt of age at 24, year 1880. Occupation, colonel of contingent force 104, Calabasas, California defense strike team. Loyal to council, criminal records, none.”

Maybe it was the monotone he used when he said the lot or the blank expression as he uttered everything under one breath but it sure as hell stunned me. I was never involved or even seen any of the trials they hold against criminals, so I’ve never seen the extent of the word’s power. It was shocking, as I stared wide eye at him.

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