Chapter 12

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(Sorry it's short. But i'm having a big exam coming up but thanks for all the support and to all my fans! xoxo!)

Chapter 12

I didn't even dare utter a word as his stories captivated every ounce of my attention. His blue eyes stayed on mine, the obvious fire burning with emotions that radiated so strong, I had second thoughts of flinching.

Here is a man, who lost everything that had ever mattered to him. His parents, his little sister and older brother. They were all killed by their own kind in an overnight assasination. A blood bath that supposedly shocked their non existant kingdom.

Dustin's family was the first ones of the royal families that formed a truce with the President which kept them under protection from the war. They never wanted the war to happen but the dictatorship of the European colony overpowered them and loads who support the concept of extinguishing the human race got what they needed and went on a rampage on their own. Many of their kind, fled to their gigantic medival castle right outside of Montana during war to exclude themselves from the chaos. The ones who only seek peace between two species.

I couldn't help but smile when he pictured to me in detail how loving and caring his mother was. An angel he said, thus her name Angelina.

The remarkable story with her is that She ironically was suppose to be up for the throne, for the American clan but what was so stunning is that she renounced her title, a really big sacrifice just to save her own family from the trecherous price of royalty.

In my heart, I yearned for this woman to be alive so I can meet her in person. Dustin just drones on and on about her deeds and goodwill. Somehow, she reminds me of my mother and Princess Diana of the human world.

As he went on to describe his journey,  he himself, too, seem to be mesmerized as he relived those memories. I discovered that vampires weren't as evil as the stories depicted them to be. Its only their very nature of living on blood that has caused centuries of folklore and a galatica of published stories on them which proved to be somewhat accurate to some degree. Just like humans, there's good and evil, and same goes to them. There's the heroes, the commoners and the villians.

They weren't creatures of satan, they're just another species, cousin to us humans, the undiscovered evolution. The only living creature that successfully diverted its attention from our biology books.

Paying my attention back to him, I saw that his expression has gone weary, his eyes dulling down to a teal color. He was approaching a rather sensitive part of his story.

"I hid in the closet...with my sister, Daniella. I wanted so bad to fight, and defend my family but I knew Devon will be able to..." He paused, to regain himself, I saw his hands tightened into a fist. "I thought it was just a simple visit...I didn't know it'll turn ugly..." Rogue tears were escaping by then and he was trying desperately to hold them back but reality set in and the tough facade he tried so hard to muster gave way instantly.

I was rather acceptable at judging people and seeing through them and one thing that was distinctive about Dustin as a vampire is that he wasn't the strong, rough and reckless type instead, picture him as the breath-takingly cute nerd that always occupy the far corners of the class and rarely talks to anyone.

He wasn't made for violence but he could be a fighter when he is needed to. That's what's so intruiging about him. However, when it comes to bloodlust, don't count on him to take it easy. Vampires thrive on blood and there's no stopping it.

Slapping myself out of my internal ramblings, my arms instinctively reached to him. I carefully grasp his chin and turn his head towards me. It instantly killed me inside to see that weak side of him...the red rimmed eyes, the unusually paleness and the dulling of eye color.

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