1. Where you first see him

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Harry: You're walking down the street with your hot latte warming your hands. Your boots sludge through the snow as you make your way to the park. You loved it there, no one ever went there in the winter, so you had the whole park to yourself. Just the way you liked it. 

You sit on a swing after wiping all the snow of, holding your latte up to your face so the steam could warm it up. You begin daydreaming and humming a soft melody, your melody.

"That's beautiful" You spring up at the sound of someones voice only to see a curly haired boy staring at you innocently. You've never been the speaking type, so you just stand there in shock. He realises your shock and a wave of embarrassment crashes over him. He breathes in quickly and turns away to continue walking through the park. You sit back down only to realise you just embarrassed the cutest boy you had ever seen. What were you doing? You quickly stand up and begin walking around to try and find him. Why? That curly haired boy just stole your heart.

Liam: You pick a small flower from the bush and smell it, it was beautiful. You close your eyes to savour the sweet smell of the rose before feeling a harsh tug on your shoulder. You open your eyes to see a man wish your bag running away.

"HELP! THAT'S MY BAG! HE STOLE MY BAG! SOMEONE HELP!" You scream, although you don't think anyones heard you. Or if they had, they didn't care. You sprint towards the fading figure but then he suddenly dissappears. You continue to run before seeing someone on top of him, holding his arm in a position that seems like it could break his arm like a twig.

"Give it back to her you theif!" The thick British accent shone through, sending shivers down your spine. The man gives the British guy the bag, just as the police arrive. He called the police? This guy was serious about getting your bag back. You get so lost in a daze that you don't realise that the British guy is standing in front of you, arms extended with the bag between them.

"Here you go beautiful." Oh wow, he's cute. No, more than cute, he's stunning. You gently take your bag back.

"T- thanks" He smiles and begins to walk off. Go after him you silly girl. Go get him. So you do, you go after the boy that stole your heart.

Niall: "Come on we have to go now sweetie." Your Dad was trying to keep calm but he couldn't, he was an impatient man and that didn't help.

"I'm here, I'm here, let's go," You follow your Dad to his car and get in. Your Dad doesn't wait to start up the car and drive out. 

This was an important day for him, and you as well. His boss wanted to have lunch with him, you and his son.

You had been daydreaming so much that you haden't realised that you arrived at the restaurant. Wow, it was really high class. You step inside to the wonderful aroma of lobster and roses. You would never be able to afford to come here.

"Ah sir, so nice to see you," Your Dad shakes his bosses hand before revealing a very shy looking boy. His crystal eyes staring at you, oh you could dream about them all day. "Sir, this is my daughter (Y/N)."

"Hi, I'm Niall Horan," His Irish accent stuck out like a sore thumb, but you loved it. "You're really beautiful" He smiles amazingly well and you can't help but smile back. You were lost in your thoughts before being snapped back into reality.

"Now kids, there's been a mix up in the booking. We've been split up on opposite sides of the restaurant. So you two will have to sit alone. Sorry about that but they couldn't move us together." Your Dad's boss explains. Niall suddenly grabs your hand and lightly tugs you.

"Come on, the table's this way." His big cheeky grin appears again and you smile back. This was going to be the best lunch ever.

Louis: "OH LOOK AT THAT UGLY HORSE" Here they come, the daily insults. You had been bullied since your nose was broken, it shifted your face a little bit but they made it seem like your whole face was messed up. It wasn't that noticable and you kinda liked how it looked, they obviously didn't. The words weren't like they were before, you can deal with them now.

"OY SHE ACTS LIKE SHE DOESN'T CARE, MAYBE WE COULD MESS HER FACE UP MORE!" That sent shivers down your spine. Mess your face up? Oh god, they were talking about physical abuse. Three boys stormed towards you, two grabbing your jumper and pulling it up. 

"Ready you ugly horse?" This is going to hurt. You close your eyes and expect the worse, but nothing comes. You open your eyes to see a boy, no bigger than the bully, punching him in the face. He got up and oh god he was hot. 

"Need help?" He offered his hand to you and you accept. You were about to say thank-you but you were interuptted by the teacher.

"LOUIS TOMLINSON GET TO THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE NOW!" Great. He face drops and he turns to start walking. Just as he was going to walk out the door, he turns to you and winks at you. You melt inside and smile on the outside.

Zayn:  "Please miss, I really have to peeeeeeeeeee-" You please holding the 'P'.

"Fine, but be quick, I don't want you missing anything and falling behind. Okay?" You smile and nod before sprinting out of class. You really had to pee. You heard miss yell out to not run but you didn't care. Your bladder was about to explode. You kick the door and run into a cubical, doing a little dance the whole time. After relieving yourself, you step out to see a.... a boy? 

"uuuh, EXCUSE ME?! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?!" He turns away from mirror to smirk at me before turning back. He was just combing his hair. With 3 different types of combs. And a bottle of hairspray. What was he doing in here?

"HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN HERE?!" He doesn't stop what he's doing, he just shrugs his shoulders. 

"Not that long. Don't worry, I didn't hear you take a wizz." He chuckles lightly before focusing on his hair again. You let out a sigh of relief knowing he didn't hear you pee. And with that you left.

Once you closed the bathroom door, you leant against the wall next to the door before jumping up from the guy walking out.

"I'm Zayn by the way." He winked at you and then turned away taking your heart with him.

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