12. Your quirks that he loves

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Harry: How you make strange noises

When you try to do something, a series of stange noises come out. It's like a dinosaur yawning while stuck in a fan or something like that. Harry always laughs when you make those noises and after, he tells you how much he loves your quirks.

Liam: How you try to sing the words to a song you've never heard

Liam always plays music that you've never heard, yet you love to sing. So you always try to sing the words but it usually end up coming out as mummble. Liam always wraps his muscular arms around you after before kissing you on the forehead and chuckling to himself

Niall: How you play with his hair

Whenever you two are lying together, you always comb through his hair with your fingers and pull it into different shapes. As you do this, Niall always giggles and when he get the chance, he always kisses your hand delicately

Louis: How you dance out of time

Louis and you regularly dance to random song. You both love to blast music through the whole house. Louis noticed that you always dance slightly out of time, and each time you guys dance, he can't help but laugh and say how he loves your quirks.

Zayn: How you can never take a serious photo

Whenever Zayn tries to take a picture or selfie with you, you never can just do a simple smile. You always do some creepy or weird face. After some time, Zayn began to love those faces, and now he pulls the same faces as you.


I couldn't think of two so I used Ed Sheeran lyrics, hehehehe....





All that jazz


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