10. His name in your phone

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Harry: Flick

You two were hanging out in the park, eating and relaxing. You're head was on Harry's lap when he suddenly dipped his head to kiss you. As he did, you ran your fingers through his hair the opposite way it was supposed to be, flicking it in every direction. Harry pulled away to flick his hair, but he flicked it into his eyes causing you to raise your hands. Harry noticed and decided it would be funny to continue to flick his hair in your face, resulting in the nickname Flick.

Liam: Puppy Eyes

Liam earned this nickname when you two were sitting on the couch watching TV. You were scrolling through your messages when Liam snatches your phone, however, you were quick enough to lock it before Liam could see anything. He pleaded and then pulled out his secret weapon, the weapon which earned him his nickname. His puppy eyes.

Niall: Lucky Charm Marshmallows

You went shopping with Niall and you reached the cereal isle. Niall ran in front of you to grab your favourite cereal, Lucky Charms. You two were getting ready for your monthly fat day. Niall came back with 3 boxes, trying to hold in his laughter. When the moment came to eat the lucky charms, you noticed that there were no marshmallows. You looked over to Niall who had his mouth filled with the miny marshmallows.

Louis: Cheeky Monkey

You were hanging out with all of the boys when Louis suddenly pulled you aside. He told you that he was going to play a massive prank on the boys and to go with it. Louis suddenly ran away and you went back to the boys. Seconds later, Louis screams carrying two buckets. He throws them and glitter goes everywhere. GIitter has got to be the hardest thing to get off your skin. Louis laughs so hard and all the boys yell out "LOUIS YOU CHEEKY MONEKY!"

Zayn: Zai

You and Zayn were going to visit your parents for the first time, but you two had babysat your little sister. When you and Zayn walked through the door, your small sister ran up to Zayn screaming his name. But she was so young that she couldn't pronounce his name properly, so it came out as "Zaaaaiiiiii!"

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