6. First fight

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Harry: 'Harry seen with another woman! What about (Y/N)?' That was the last straw, this was it. You were done with Harry. He couldn't keep his hands off any woman even though he was going out with you. What the actual fuck was going through his head when he took that woman out to hump and dump. You hear the front door open with a happy Harry walking in.

"Baby!" He sees you at the top of the stairs with the front page in your hands. His face drops as he begins to slowly walk up the stairs towards you. "Baby?"

You couldn't take it. You stomped down the stairs, pushing him down the one step that he managed to get up. You throw the paper in front of him in a huff.

"Care to explain?" You yell, making sure he got it through his thick head. His face showed mixed emotions as he read the front page. He looks back up to you with tears in his eyes.

"(Y/N) it's not how it seems re-" He was cut off with an angry yell coming from you

"BULLSHIT IT'S NOT HOW IT'S SEEMS!" You bring your hands up to your head in frustration as the anger boils inside you.

"LISTEN! She's a teacher! She was teaching me how to speak German so I could impress your parents with it! You have to believe me!" He was clearly hurt by what was happening but it didn't get to you. You were sick of listening to him getting his way out of things. He would cry or kiss you and it would always work. But not this time.

"I'm leaving." You say as you open the door only to have it closed by Harry.

"No. I'm not letting you leave till you listen to me, I didn't have fucking sex with her!" You didn't believe him. You knew what everyone was saying, about how Harry Styles can't stay with one girl, but you never wanted it to be true. 

"I guess they're right. You can't stay with just one girl. I mean, you are Harry Styles after all." And with those harsh words, you left. You didn't know where to go. You didn't know what to do. But you did know that Harry wouldn't be there with you.

Liam: 'Go die bitch!' 'Ugh, Liam deserves so much better than that ugly whore!!! He should date me' The hate kept on coming in. Liam knew about it, Liam knew he had the power to stop it, but he didn't. Why? That's what you always asked yourself. You didn't understand why he wouldn't stand up for his girlfriend.

"Movie night?" A showered Liam walks out, the moon highlighting the small water droplets on his toned body.

"Uh, yeah." You say, startled by his entrance.

"You alright sweetie?" Liam sits next to you as you lock your phone so he can't see the hate. 

"Yeah, what movie?" You ask as you get up to look through the collection you guys have

"(Y/N)...... Are you getting hate?" Liam asks, suddenly changing the subject and creating a tense atmosphere.

"No, why would I be?" You ask, trying to hide the truth. Liam could read you like a book though, so he knew something was up.

"Why would you lie to me? I know you are getting hate (Y/N)" Liam was slowly raising his tone in anger, knowing that you lied to him

"Why are you not doing anything about it then?! If you know about it, why don't you try to FUCKING STOP IT?!" You yell as tear begin rolling down your face.

"I'VE TRIED BABY I REALLY HAVE BUT YOU CAN'T JUST STOP HATE, NO MATTER WHAT YOU WILL ALWAYS GET HATE!" Liam was clearly hurt by what you said, it made him feel like you thought that you didn't believe in him, like he couldn't help you.

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