16: The gift he gives you

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Harry: "Come here babe," Harry gestures you to sit on his lap and you do so. "I have something for you, just close your eyes." You close your eyes as you feel a fabric wrap around your head, covering your already closed eyes. 

"Come on, I'll lead you there." Harry takes your hand and slowly and carefully guides you out. After a while of careful walking, you feel a cool breeze hit your face. "Okay, you can take it off."

You slowly lift the blindfold of your head, giving your eyes enough time to adjust to the light, but after a bit of adjustment, your eyes focus on a shiny silver car. A brand new car.

"You got me a FREAKING CAR?!" You half whisper half scream. Harry laughs before being strangled into your tight hug, a little startled by your move. Harry snuggles his head into your neck, leaving small kisses.

"Test drive?" Harry teases, dangling the keys in front of your face. You smile even bigger before snatching the keys.

Liam: "Keep looking pigeon" You were seaching for the present Liam had hid from you.

"I'm looking but I can't fi- Wait a second, you just called me pigeon.... Where the hell did that come from?" Liam chuckles before shrugging, you huff and go back to searching. You hear footsteps behind you and a chinking sound. You stand up and turn around to find Liam, dangling your keys.

"Why do you have me keys?" You question, giggling in the middle. Liam rolls his fingers through the keys before pick a key, holding it up and letting the rest drop to the bottom of the keyring. You had never seen this key before.

"What's it for?" You ask, unsure of what this key could unlock. Liam chuckles again as he walks out the door, locking it on the way out so he couldn't get back in. You then hear more chinking sounds as the door flies open. This is a key to his apartment.

"Please tell me you understand" Liam pleads, pulling out his puppy dog eyes. You nod as you jump into his arms while screaming yes. 

"Should we go pack your stuff then?" It took you no time to run and get into the car, eager to go and move in with Liam.

Niall: "Reeeeeeeeady?" Niall teases. You nod once more before Niall swings the door open. Sitting there on the first step was a little blue box. Not just any box though, a Tiffany's box. You gasp as you run to it, carefully pulling on the silky ribbon bow. You look up to Niall, mirroring his beaming smile. You slowly lift the little lid off, revealing a delicately crafted ring, with an infinity symbol crafted into it.

"Do you like it?" Niall asks, raising an eyebrown and kneeling down to your eye level. You nod, unable to speak. He pulls out the deicate ring and slides it onto your finger. That's when you notice the enscription around it saying "You and me, forever".

"Will you be mine, I mean officially, and use this as a reminder that we are infinate" You pull Niall closer to you, kissing Niall the sweetest way possible.

"So I take that as a yes?" Niall cheekishly asks. You giggle.

"Yes! Yes a million times yes!" You jump into Niall's arms as he spins you around. He never officially asked you out, it just kind of started. But now you two were official, well, official official. And you loved the idea of that.

Louis: "Lovelydovelybubblyboo, I have something for you!" Louis chants as he jumps on the bed, waking you up from your deep lumber.

"This better be bloody good because I'm so freaking tired" Louis chuckles at your drowsiness.

"You'll love it, just follow me" You grown and flop back down onto your pilliow. Louis huffs before picking you up bridal styles but you refuse to leave the blanket behind, so you grab it and bring it with you. Louis takes you into the living room before dumping you on the couch. You curl up into a ball in an attempt to stay warm but your eyes suddenly peer over to the huge box in the corner of the room. This box was huge! Louis tilts his head, gesturing you to go over to it. You jump up and skip over to the box, lifting the lid off. You look inside to find another box. You lift that box out, take the lid off to find another box. At this point, Louis looks like he is about to burst out laughing. You continue to unwrap and unbox the mystery until you ended up with an envelope. You rip the top of the envelope off to reveal..... nothing. You look up at Louis confused. He sits next to you and pulls two tickets out of his pocket.

"Oops, forgot to put it in, we're going to Disneyland in California!" Louis yells over the top of your screams, you were so excited. You hug Louis tight, making you two fall over in a heap. You both start laughing before passionately kissing.

Zayn: "You count to 20 and I'll go hide, okay? Go." You close your eyes as you begin to count to 20, listening to the fading pitter patter of Zayn's feet as he's running away to hide.

"20! Ready or not, here I come!" You yell, hearing your voice echo. You run up the stairs, trying to figure out where he went from the sounds of his feet. You turn right to run into the walk into your bedroom and right again to go into the walk in wardrobe. You look through all your hangers before hearing a creak behind you. Your head snaps around to look at the direction that the creak came from, but you saw nothing. You go back to looking through the hangers before someone placing their hand in front of your head. You look down to your neck to find the most beautifully crafted necklace ever.

You turn around to see Zayn smirking. "You found me." He whispers before kissing you ever so gently. You pull back to look at the necklace. It was a silver heart with a single diamond hanging in the middle. You see the words 'You'll be mine & I'll be yours' written on one side. Your eyes fill up with tears ready to spill. "It's beautiful Zayn" You whisper, just audible to him. Your Zayn.


What's up my lovelies! So I had 9 assignments and I was REALLY stressed and I didn't have any time to do anything but assignements. But now, I'm back. 

I mised you all and I love you all <3

K x

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