3. Your first date with him

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Harry: You yawned as you walked to open the door. You weren't up for being social and you locked yourself away for days. There was no reason for it, you just wanted to be in your own thoughts. When you opened the door, your eyes had to adjust to the bright light but once you could see, you saw none other than your boyfriend. "Harry..." You whisper. He smiles and you notice he has a big box filled up to the top. "What's that?" You ask curiously. His smile grows and his dimple melts your heart.

"Our first date" He says seductively. You blush slightly before moving to the side so Harry could come in.


It's near the end of the last movie, The Notebook. This was your all time favourite movie and snuggling with Harry just made it 100 times better. You looked up to him, pecked him lightly on the lips before snuggling into Harry's chest, his arm wrapped around your waist, making you feel secure and in that moment, it felt like magic.

Liam: You had always dreamed of your first date, you always imagined it to be picture perfect while watching the sun go down with your perfect boyfriend. Somehow, Liam, your boyfriend, managed to read your mind. He invited you to go to the park at 6:30, when sunset was. You wandered till you see a small picnic mat and basket with a cute Liam sitting next to them. You walk up behind him and wrap your arms around his neck.

"Hey beautiful," He twists his head to kiss the tip of your nose. He lifts you up and spins you to sit on his lap while looking out onto the sunset


You had eaten all the food and you guys were counting the stars. You had your head on Liam's chest and you could hear his heartbeat, like a soft drum. He had his arm under your head and your .your fingers locked with his. You looked up to him as he continued to stare at the sky. You thought that if you wanted to do anything right now, it would be to freeze this moment in time and keep that magic.

Niall: "Come on cheeky princess" Niall called out as you ran towards the water. You can't believe Niall brought you to the beach for a first date, you loved the beach. He ran into the water and dived under while you pulled off your cover-up. You ran into the water to look for Niall but you feel two strong arms wrap around your legs. You squeal as he lifts you out of the water and dunks you. Once you reach the surface for air, you have a dunking and splashing contest.


It was dark now and Niall had started a fire to sit by as he played his guitar. 

"Do you wanna head home now?" He asked, noticing you were drifting off to sleep on his shoulder from his playing. 

"No, sleep here tonight" You manage to get out before yawning. Niall giggles before nudging you up so he could go get something. Before you could say anything, a blanket is wrapped around you as Niall sits back in his previous position, continuing to play guitar and sing softly to you as you slowly drift off into a deep sleep. This first date for you was pure magic.

Louis: "Ready to take the blindfold off?" Louis asks as he tugs on the bottom of the blindfold.

"Yes Louis, please show me where we are!" He laughs slightly before pulling the blindfold down revealing your favourite theme park.

"No freaking way!" You jump up and down screaming with joy. Louis laughs so hard he holds his stomach.

"Come on then, lets go crazy-cluts" He takes you hand and pulls you along, half running, half walking. 


You guys had been on all the rides, some nearly three times and now you sat down to eat some ice cream. 

"Thank you Lou. I loved this date." You smile at him and he takes your free hand.

"Me too, we should do it again. I wanna get more faces of you like this. He takes out the picture he bought of you two on a ride. You were mid sneeze and it just looked horrible. You groaned loudly as Louis laughed and continued to eat his ice cream. You knew that this boy made your first date magic.

Zayn: "Okay now be careful" Zayn held your hand tightly as he took you onto the ice. He pleaded and after some time convinced you to come ice skating. Why did you say yes, why why why. You held his hand tight and finally got both feet on the ice. You skated with his for some time but soon realised that it wasn't gonna work.

"I just can't skate" Zayn clearly had his thinking hat on but then his face lit up.

"Here," He stood behind you and put his hands on your hips, guiding you as he pushed his skates against the cold ice. "There you go you got it" You put your hands on top of his as soon as his skate caught in the ice. He spoke too soon. The two of you got up and laughed your heads off before attempting to skate again.


"That was so much fun, despite the fact that I can't skate." You giggle at your words as you hold your steaming Chai Latte up to your face, sending warm tingles through it. 

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. But we're not done yet. Snowman time" Your face lit up at those two words and the rest of the night was spent making snowmen and having snowball fights. If you had to describe that date in one word, magic.

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