4. Your first passionate kiss + staying the night

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Harry: "Come on or we'll get soaked!" Harry yelled as you guys ran in the rain up to your doorstep. You both pant a bit before regaining your breathe. Harry smiled and laughed a bit before looking into your eyes while biting his lip.

"See you soon" He says seductively before walking back out into the rain.

"Harry wait!" You call out as you run out for him before crashing your lips into his. It's like his lips were moulded to the shape of yours. The kiss lasted a few seconds before ending. Harry smiled widely and gave you a wink. 

"Now you can go" You mirror his smile before running back to your doorstep. But Harry didn't move, neither did his smile. He ran up to you one last time, kissing you even more passionately than before. The kiss heated up as he slipped in his tongue, exploring your mouth. You pull back, smile and move towards your door before whispering "Stay the night. Don't want you getting a cold from that rain" He moves in as you do. Mirroring your every move. This was going to be fun.

Liam: "May I have this dance?" Liam says in the poshest voice he can. You take his hand and he spins you around before grabbing your waist with his other hand. You two began dancing, waltzing to the music that was playing in the park. You guys ditched prom to go have your own one. As the sun set, you two began swaying lightly. Liam leant his head into the crook of your neck before lightly pecking it.

"I love you" He whispered, barely audible. You two hadn't said it yet and you were taken back from it a bit. But those three special word still managed to slip out of your mouth.

"I love you too Liam." He lifted his head to look at you before leaning in for the most amazing kiss of your life. The kiss went on and lasted for longer than you could imagine. However it soon ended but something else brought your spirits up.

"Stay at mine tonight?" Liam brought out his puppy dog eyes and lips. You giggle and knod, Liam lifts you up into a tight hug as you squeal. That night would be spent with your one and only boyfriend, Liam Payne.

Niall: "MOVIE DAY!" Niall shouted at he let you into his house. You giggled at you walked into his living room. He had 3 bowl of popcorn, 7 bags of lollies, 4 bars of chocolate and a mini fridge / freezer.

"And there's 2 tubs of ice cream and 24 cans of coke in there" He sang as he pointed towards the fridge.

"And we're going to eat this all?!" You half laugh half shout. Niall gives you an of-course-we-are look before kneeling down and grabbing a box filled to the top with movies. You gasp as he rummages around for the first movie because you realise there must be over 100 movies in that box.

"GOT IT!" Niall throws his hand up in the air revealing The Notebook, your fav chick flick. You two snuggle in to watch the movie and eat as much as your stomach could handle.


"(Y/N), wake up beautiful...." Niall lightly whispers in your ear, sending warm tingles down your spine. 

"Mmmmmmm" You grumble before snuggling deeper into his chest.

"Come on, we'll go upstairs to sleep" He gently picks you up bridal style before taking you to his bedroom. He lays you down and lightly kisses your forehead and as he does so, you open your eyes and sit up. He tugs a strand of hair behind your ear before leaning in for a passionate kiss. Your mouth moved with his as his tongue explored your mouth. He pulls back and leans his forehead on yours before letting out a light moan. He walks around to the other side of the bed to slide in next to you, allowing you to rest your head on Niall's chest. You fall asleep to the beat of Niall's heartbeat.

Louis: "Damn it!" Louis yells as the car comes to a stop. This was meant to be your weekend. You and Louis had decided to go camping in this beautiful cave that no one knew about but Louis' car broke down. You guys were far from any town and everything would have been closed anyways. You sigh and climb into the back. Louis watches you as you pull the back seats down, creating a wide space.

"What are you doing?" Louis asks with a smirk on his face. You lay a blanket and two of the pillows you guys packed before looking at your masterpiece.

"A bed." You turn to look at him as you lean in for a quick peck on the cheek, but Louis places his hands on your face to hold the kiss for longer. The passionate kiss is shared for a few minutes before you pull back to slip under the blanket. Louis joins you and you fall asleep entwined in Louis.

Zayn: "Okay should we order a pizza?" Zayn asks, looking at the 10 take-away menus in front of him. You knod and he rings up the pizza company, ordering 2 medium pizzas and a garlic bread. He hangs up and looks to you.

"What do you wanna do tonight?" You look at Zayn and a smile creeps across your face.

"Games and truth or dare" Zayn mirrors your smile and jumps onto the double bed with you.


You two had finished the pizzas, played a couple of games and now it was time for truth or dare.

"Okay truth or dare?" Zayn asks you, licking his fingers from the pizza.

"Dare" You boldly say. A pedo smile appears on Zayns face as he opens his mouth to say something

"I dare you to make out with me. Fully make out" You smirk and crawl up to Zayn, sitting on his lap before crashing your lips onto his. His tongue explored your mouth as you enjoyed the moment. It felt so right. You pull away as a yawn dawns upon you.

"Like that?" You say as you yawn. Zayn chuckles and lifts you under the covers. 

"Stay here for the night princess. You're a little tired." Zayn lightly allows your head to rest on his chest as you drift off to him combing your hair and lightly singing.

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