9. Your first weird dream about him

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Harry: You were walking on the beach with Harry. It was perfect when all of the sudden you fell to the ground. Harry had pushed you to the ground so he was now on top of you
"(Y/N), there's something you should know about me...." You were so confused as Harry stood up and brought his hand to the back of his head, as if he was pulling something off his head. But no, he was unzipping himself, "I'm really a sweet potato."
And that's when you see, from his neck down, a sweet potato body. Your mouth began to water as you crave sweet potato. You run up to him and take a huge bite from where his kidneys would be. He tasted amazing. You continued to eat him through all his objections and pleads for you to stop.
Before you knew it, all that was left of Harry was his head.  
"Babe?" You hear Harry's voice as you bolt upwards from your sleep. You look to him confused, the dream seemed so real.
"A-Are you a sweet potato?" He gives you a strange look before bursting out laughing.
"Is that another cheesy pick up line? God, you're strange. But that's why I love you!" Right. It was just a dream.

Liam: "Hey cutie! Lunch?" Liam asked, grabbing your hand in the process. You nod and begin walking hand in hand with him
"You okay?" You ask as Liam stares off into the distance. He looks concerned yet calm. You gently shake his arm but you get no response in return.
"Liam?" You shake his arm once more before turning your head to attempt to see what he was looking at. And then you saw it. 
What seemed like millions of Liam's running through the streets. All dressed exactly the same. All looking exactly the same. Your eyes widen as you realised that you two were right in their path. 
"Liam come on, let's get out of the way!" You pull on his arm to try and get him to move but he firmly planted his feet to the ground.
"No, I'm so sorry (Y/N)" He steps away from you as the millions of Liam's race towards you. "I must go with my people." The very first few Liam's appear and suddenly grow wings. Wings? You step into an alleyway just in time to avoid them. Liam, your Liam, suddenly also grows wings and flies away with the other Liams.
You sit up and rub your eyes. Liam is lying beside you, looking at you with a cheeky grin plastered on his face.
"You had a weird dream" He tries to hold in the laughter but fails, so it comes out in little squeaks. You laugh with him before nodding.
"Very weird"

Niall: Candy corn. Fairy floss. Chocolate sauce. Lollipops. Chocolate chip cookies. Every sweet thing you could imagine and it was in front of you. Oh how it was heaven. You jump into a pile of marshmallows and they bounce you into a pile of M&M's.
You heard a bang coming from the distance but you ignored it. You continued to feed yourself with the sweets, completely oblivious to the figure coming towards you. You hear another bang and you look around to see, a giant? But not just any giant. Niall. Your boyfriend. A giant. But he was really obese, he looked like a planet! And he looked at you like you were his next meal
You begin to run as soon as you see his hand slowly move towards your now tiny body. You pass the fairy floss before reaching a waterfall..... With chocolate milk...... A chocolafall? Niall slowly gained on you, shortening the time you had to think of options for escape. You look down to try and see the bottom of the waterfall and you see sprinkles. They shouldn't hurt, right?
You take the jump, your nose filling with the sweet scent of the gummy bears as you fall. You feel weightless and invincible, like you could take on anything. You feel the tiny balls of sugar form around you as you plummet down, deeper into the pile of sprinkles.
You feel a hand grip onto your frail body with a tight grip before pulling you out. It was Niall. You struggle and squirm as Niall lifts you up to his mouth. You try to scream but you can't and then-
"EWWWWW! Ewwwwies!" You are shocked awake by Niall wiping his arm.
"What happened Niall?" You breathe out deeply as Niall climbs back into the bed with you.
"You drooled on me! You must have had a good dreamm probably had something to do with food if you were drooling that much!" Niall joked. Well you were awake now, with the normal sized Niall

Louis: "Come on! Get on!" Louis gestured you to get on the giant trampoline and as soon as you did, Louis began jumping, throwing you into the air. But instead of coming back down, you stayed there, mid-air.
Louis jumped up again but he was missing something.... No maybe it was just your eyes. As Louis continued to just, it seemed that more and more of him was missing. That's when you realised, he was already missing half his arm.
"Louis, your amaerw!" You words were muffled at the end. Louis continued to jump as more and more of his arm vanished.
"YOUR ARM LOUIS!" You shout, catching his attention. He laughed and nodded before clicking his fingers. As soon as he did, you plummeted to the ground, unable to scream.
*DONK* You sit up in the fastest time known to man only to collide with Louis head.
"Well that was the best way to start the morning." You gasp when you hear his voice. You jump over to the other side of him to make sure that he has his arm still. You let out a sigh of relief before pecking Louis on the lips. Just a dream, you reminded yourself

Zayn: "Come on, touch the mirror!" Zayn forced you to touch the mirror, so you did. You placed a single finger upon the reflective surface and the next thing you could see was fog. Fog? You were just in a room and now it seems like you're in a world of nothingness.
"Fun. Right?" You hear a voice echo through the vast space of emptiness. The voice was definitely Zayn's, but he was no where to be seen.
"Zayn? Where are you?" You're voice echoed but nothing. You felt a cool shiver go down your spine and you turn around to see Zayn, but he was different. He had red eyes and blood on his chin, like it was coming from his mouth.
"Don't worry babe, it won't hurt..... That much" Those words replayed over and over in your head. What did he mean? Before you could say anything, Zayn swept the hair off your right shoulder and gently pushed your head to the side, giving him more access you your neck. He lowered his head and then BAM! 4 fang punctured your neck
"Thank god you're awake! You had this creepy ass dream and you were squirming around like crazy!" Zayn had a hint of fright in his voice but you let it go.
"Umm, sorry.... I dreamt you were a-a vampire." Zayn chuckled before pulling you close to his chest.
"No such thing as vampires, now go back to sleep, I'll protect you" You smile and snuggle into Zayn to doze off into a sweet dream. A better dream.

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