Question Game

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Me: Bored

Yosafire: Same

Emalf: Me too

Yosafire: Fuck off

Emalf: Why me?

Satanick: Where's Ivlis?

Ivlis: Why does everyone call me an airhead?

Reita: When will Lord Ivlis notice me?

Poemi: Why ish everyone boring?

Vendetto: Why is Dad an airrhead?

Wadanohara: Why has it to be Sal?

Fukami: Why did she choose him...?

Samekichi: Why did she friend-zone me back then?

Memoca: What're we doing?

Doplhi: Why is Memoca bully and protect me?

Old: Why is my name Old?

Sal: When will Wada be mine?

Mikotsu: WhEn WiLl SaL rEaLiZe ThAt He'S a PiEcE oF tRaSh?

Uomi: Why does everyone think I'm high?

Idate: Will Rocma ever be mine~?

Rocma: Will that orca ever die?

Shirogane: Am I strong?

Yukisada: Will Shirogane realize he is strong?

Peraco: Orca, forka, storka?

Mayufu: Why does Rocma and Idate fight?

Rock: Will the baldy (Idate) ever leave me alone?

Kcalb: Why is Etihw older than me...?

Etihw: Why does Kcalb talk like an old man?

Wodahs: Will I see brother in the face of guilt today? 

Grora: Why is the Head Angel a sadist? 

Froze: Why am I gay for Yosaf?

Rawberry: Where's the food?

Macarona: Will Rawberry ever stop eating?

Me: What the hell are we doing? 

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