Me: Bored
Yosafire: Same
Emalf: Me too
Yosafire: Fuck off
Emalf: Why me?
Satanick: Where's Ivlis?
Ivlis: Why does everyone call me an airhead?
Reita: When will Lord Ivlis notice me?
Poemi: Why ish everyone boring?
Vendetto: Why is Dad an airrhead?
Wadanohara: Why has it to be Sal?
Fukami: Why did she choose him...?
Samekichi: Why did she friend-zone me back then?
Memoca: What're we doing?
Doplhi: Why is Memoca bully and protect me?
Old: Why is my name Old?
Sal: When will Wada be mine?
Mikotsu: WhEn WiLl SaL rEaLiZe ThAt He'S a PiEcE oF tRaSh?
Uomi: Why does everyone think I'm high?
Idate: Will Rocma ever be mine~?
Rocma: Will that orca ever die?
Shirogane: Am I strong?
Yukisada: Will Shirogane realize he is strong?
Peraco: Orca, forka, storka?
Mayufu: Why does Rocma and Idate fight?
Rock: Will the baldy (Idate) ever leave me alone?
Kcalb: Why is Etihw older than me...?
Etihw: Why does Kcalb talk like an old man?
Wodahs: Will I see brother in the face of guilt today?
Grora: Why is the Head Angel a sadist?
Froze: Why am I gay for Yosaf?
Rawberry: Where's the food?
Macarona: Will Rawberry ever stop eating?
Me: What the hell are we doing?
My Random Life
Humor'Ello efuryone! It is I, the Knight of Heart, is here to show mew all randomness of fandom's by combining it with my life!