My Diary

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I burst into tears. Natasha was nice for once and came to comfort me. I was so happy when George joined Natasha and gave me a hug. One by one people joined in and at the end it was a huge group hug.

I felt warm, protected as if no one could harm me now. However I still felt sad. As tears welled up and rolled down my cheeks over and over again, I thought of the image that I had just saw.

There were ambulances and paramedics everywhere. A body lay on the floor in a ragged position motionless. The face seemed familiar. Then I realised. It was my brother. I wasn't close enough to see if he was breathing or not but I was hoping he was. Even though he was embarrassing and annoying I still loved him. I didn't want him to be hurt.

But how had he fallen down? My question was quickly answered by George. "In really sorry Heather... This was all my fault. I threw one of his books outside the window and he thought he could catch it. But instead he... Fell. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean it..."

I didn't know what to feel. Annoyed? Mad? Frustrated? But most of all I wanted to see my brother. I asked my maths teacher if he could leave and he agreed. I called my mum to pick my up and I could hear she had been crying too.

After around five minutes I saw my car. She picked me up and drove me to the hospital where I would be able to see Harry.

As I entered I saw rushing nurses some pushing sick or hurt children and some holding trays of medications. We were about to enter Harry's hospital room when a doctor stopped us.

"I'm sorry but you will have to see your son tomorrow. It isn't a very good sight right now..." The doctor told us.
I wanted to argue but my mum stopped me and nod her head. See you tomorrow Harry. I thought.

We drove home quietly and as soon as we reached home I got out my diary and started writing about the events that had occurred today. I noticed a tear dropping onto my paper so I wiped it off. But it smudged the picture of my brother and made him look like a ghost.

"Stupid diary!" I screamed as I flung my diary across the room. I didn't want to see my diary ever again. EVER

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