Chapter 2

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Hey Guys!!!!!! K so I’m going to TRY and upload regularly, but that can be kind of hard especially when…. MY BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes so I’m excited ;) You know what would be the BEST present ever? COMMENTS! Lol ya J I also cannot figure out how to upload photos onto here! I wanted to show you all what Aden looks like :’( Oh well; you’re going to have to use your imagination till I figure it out! If anyone knows how and wants to help me out then…. You’d be my hero ;)  Anyhow love you ALLL!

XXXxxxXXXxxxXXXxxx Sage <3

Aden’s POV:

                I woke up strapped to a table, in a hospital gown, with a huge headache. What the hell? Where am I? I silently asked myself. All right, what do I know? I know my name is Aden Magerite Smith. I know that I have brown hair that reaches just past my shoulders, and I have blue eyes. I know that for a 18-year-old I’m tiny; 5’1”. I know that I’m not especially pretty, in fact, I’m ugly. I also know that nobody loves me. And I know that I’ve been captured for an experiment. By my teacher. An extremely painful experiment…

                It all came to me with awful clarity. I remember his explanation… His ‘guests’… I understand that irony now. I also understand that Mr. C is completely and utterly insane. Oh god… I’ve been captured by a criminally insane scientist with no one who cares enough to save me. I’m screwed. And I really was. I’m strapped to a table, with no way to get out. No way of escaping. No one’s coming for me, and I don’t even know what this ‘experiment’ is about. I have no way of knowing what he’ll do to me. All I know is that it WILL be painful. I start breathing short and panicked breaths.

“Aden! It’s so nice that you’ve woken up. Welcome to my lab” He said, smiling. Smiling! “ Look around, my dear, and see how amazing it is!”

I didn’t look. I wouldn’t listen to this man.

“I see you’ve decided to do this the hard way. The… Contrary way. Well that is up to you, but it’ll just make this all harder on you. It will be much more painful.”

                I still didn’t look. I can handle pain. I’ve had to deal with pain my whole life, everyday at least once. I’ve had broken ribs, arms, fingers and toes. I’ve had popped out limbs that I’ve had to put back myself. My skin has been so raw that I couldn’t touch without agony searing through that area. I’ve had bruises so bad that they don’t go away for over 3 months. I’ve been kicked in the stomach so hard that I cough up blood. I can take pain.

“All right then. Let us begin.” He said grinning like a maniac. But that makes sense, doesn’t it. Only then did I notice that Mr. Bradley, Mr. Mathers, and Jordan weren’t here. Not that it mattered, but it might give me something to stall with.

“Where are your lackeys? Aren’t they going to be here to watch you experiment on a defenseless, unwilling girl subject?”

“No, no not yet. I don’t think that their stomachs are strong enough for this.” He said, almost non-chalantly.

“Well what if I want them here, huh? You ever thought of that?” I said. I actually didn’t want them to watch him hurt me, but if I could get him to leave I could work on my bindings and try to get out of here.

“Oh I don’t care what you want.”

“I don’t care that you don’t care. But you listen here. You kidnapped me from my home. You’re going to experiment on me. You can do this one thing for me.” Bravado is a beautiful thing.

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