Chapter 10

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OHMYGOODNESS!! I am SOOOOOO sorry!! I can’t believe how long it took me to upload!!!! I n my defense I was camping! But still!!! I sorrrrry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Love you all and I‘m SOORRYY!! But, what d you think of this chapter? Good? Bad? TELL ME!!! AND VOTE!!!!!!!! VOTE CUS I LIKE YOUR FACE AND YOU LIKE MINE!!! VOTE CUS YOUR PRETTY!!! <3 Btw. Person on the side is Mathers, and the song is Melanies theme song ;)

PS!!!! I'm writing a new story!!!!! It doesnt really have a description cus I suck at those...... BUT! THAT DOES NOT STOP IT FROM BEING AWESOME! ;) Its called Neon Black soooooo look for it, if you cant find it, fan me, and.......................... READ IT!!!! :D

XXXxxxXXXxxx Sage

“W-what do you mean? I told you” Jordan stuttered out

“Jordan. You and I both know that that didn’t  happen. So tell me, where’s Melanie actually” hey. I could smell a lie a mile away. Figuratively speaking

“Then why’d you pretend to believe me?” he asked in a confused voice

“Because I didn’t want to argue with you. But I kinda need to know now”

“Um… Ya when she hit you I freaked out and I knocked her out and went to help you. When I went to take care of her again, I sent her to my friend to watch, because he’s a ruthless guy, so I figured he‘d be good to send her to.”

“How’d did you get her there?”

“I flagged down a guy and paid him $100 to deliver her to my friends address”

“Oh. Ok. Why didn’t you just take her with us while we went?” I asked suspiciously

“Because I didn’t want her to go all Chris Angel on us again and knock you out.” I still didn’t understand his reasoning for that

“Oh I see… By the way, why didn’t I notice this outfit before? Like when I was showering?”

“Because it’s activated by fire; whenever it touches fire first, it appears.”

“When does it disappear?”

“I doesn‘t”

“So I‘m stuck with it forever?” I asked incredulously

“No, you take it off whenever you want.”

“Oh. Ok. Cool.” I was still having some difficulty processing all of this

“Can we go now?” I asked

“Sure” he said

We took off again, and didn’t make any pit stops (Not that I minded!) till we got Mexico City. Now all that was left to do was find this infamous ‘friend’ Jordan’s.

“Who’s your friend?’ I asked Jordan

“His name is Shane.”

I was too busy looking around to actually respond to him. All around I saw people wearing surgical masks. Children, elderly, middle aged, and teenagers. 

“Why are they wearing masks?” I looked at Jordan

“There has been an outbreak of influenza and people wear the masks to avoid catching the disease.” told me absently

“So should we be wearing one?”

“No, I was immunized and you are immune to all diseases now.”

“When did you get immunized?” I asked

“Last time I came here?”

“When was that?”

“I had to come here to get that suit case of money.”

“Oh. What did you do to get this Shane to owe you a favor?”

“Before I started with the mafia I saw a little girl being taken by some men in the nasty end of town. She was screaming and kicking and no one was helping her, and I was scared for her. I didn’t know exactly what those men were going to do to her, but I could guess that it wouldn’t be pretty. So I stepped in and helped her. I got her away from those men, and got her home. Turns out that Shane was her big brother. He always figured he owed me”

“Why do you say was her older brother?” I asked quietly, afraid of the answer

“Because she died of the influenza when it first hit.”

“That’s so sad..” I trailed off

“Ya” was all I got in return

10 minutes later Jordan pulled the car to a stop in the front of a small apartment building. It was cute, it really was. It was yellow bricks with brown shutters and trim. On the windows were little hanging baskets filled with pansies. Definitely  not  what I had expected for the Shane character.

“Let’s go” Jordan muttered

We knocked on the door of the cute house and waited. There was no answer, so I knocked again. And again no answer.

“Should we just walk in?” I asked

“Might as well” Jordan replied


I reached to the doorknob and turned it. The door creaked open, and we walked in. We walked through a hallway to what I guessed was the living room. But that didn’t matter. I was absolutely shocked at the sight before me. I looked at Jordan to see he was holding in laughter.

“Haven’t changed a bit, have you Shane.” He said and snickered

Immediately Shane looked at us

“Nope. Not at all” he replied with a wide grin

Melanie just looked up in shock. I was just surprised. Never in a million years would I have thought that I would walk in and witness Shane and Melanie in a full make out session. But, then again, this is  Melanie we’re talking about.


Mathers‘ POV

“What do you mean, they escaped?! No way in Hell could they have gotten out of there! I set her on fire, for God’s sake! And I cuffed him to the bloody door!” Freidman screamed at us.

“Yes well you obviously did a better job on her than you figured” Bradley sneered at him. I just stayed out of this argument. It was better not to get involved. 

We had been in Santa Monica when we had gotten word from a Mexican border guard that someone had made a run for Mexico. We had gotten sent a picture and there was a beautiful woman in the car, talking and smiling away at the border guard. I was the one who realized that she bore some resemblance to the girl that Freidman had kidnapped. And tortured. And tried to murder. At first they didn’t believe me. But I would know those eyes anywhere. Those beautiful, beautiful eyes. They had known she would be physically different, they just didn’t know exactly how different she would be. But I don’t care. She was beautiful either way. And one day, I will kill Freidman for making me try to kill her. And I will kill Jordan for stealing her from me. After I go along and pretend that I’m looking for them of course. One day, They will pay.

Ok Is it just me or is Mathers a creep? Well why don’t you tell me? And vote! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2011 ⏰

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