Chapter 9

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Hey guys!!!!! New chapter, dedicated to my best friend J btw those random little “J”’s are smiley faces gone weird…. LOL Anywho the picture is Freidman aka Mr. Costello, and the song I felt went with the chapter :)


I looked in fascination as my hands burn with a light blue flame. It didn’t hurt, so I just stared at it.

“Aden are you ok?” Jordan yelled at me from behind

I didn’t answer, and hardly even heard him walk up behind me and gasp in surprise. I was too mesmerized. I decided to see if I could make the flame bigger by concentrating on it getting larger, but that only made me feel like an idiot. 

“What is your  hand doing?” Jordan asked in a confused voice

“I don’t know…”

“How do you do that?”

I don’t know.”

“How do you make it go away?”

“I DON’T KNOW!!” I finally yelled at him, and my hands flamed orange.

“Does it hurt?”


“Are you sure?”


“Um, Aden?”


“Your whole body is on fire.”

“WHAT?!” I shrieked

“Calm down Aden! You’re just making it worse!”

“Calm down? Calm DOWN?! MY WHOLE BODY JUST CAUGHT FIRE AND YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN?!?!?!?!?!” I ripped through 2 octaves yelling at him

Then he did something he I never thought that he would do. He kissed me. While I was on fire. I immediately extinguished.

“Why did you do that you stupid boy?! I could have killed you!” I said while glaring at him

“Yea, but you didn’t”

“But I could’ve”

“But you didn’t”

“But. I. Could. Have.” I glared at him

“But. You. Didn’t.”

“You insufferable JERK!”

“But you love me”

Oh that’s it. I’ve had it. I ran to the car fast as I could (which is pretty dang fast) and jumped in, turned the key (he had left it in the ignition), and drove off. Heh-heh. Teach him to be a jerk. I thought to myself. Almost immediately however, I felt bad about leaving him in the middle of nowhere. I mean, what if a coyote finds him and kills him? Or a bird drops a rock on his head? Or a turtle thinking he’s a rock? I sped back to where I head left him and pulled the door open with one blue gloved hand,  Wait, blue gloved hand? And it’s shiny… WHAAAAAAAAAAT?! 

I looked up my arm to see that the glove covered the whole thing, and didn’t stop there. It covered my whole body, and stopped at my neck, where it zipped down to half-way down my chest to show off my cleavage. I immediately zipped it back up so that I no longer looked like a Laura Croft wannabe. I jumped out of the car to see Jordan standing there with an impatient look on his face. 

“WHAT THE HELL AM I WEARING?” I yelled at him, seeing as he was a good 30 ft. from me.

“WHY HELLO! I MISSED YOU TOO! THANKS FOR COMING TO GET ME” he yelled back sarcastically

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